Sunday Sept 25, “Sionfonds for Haiti Presents: Party & Fund Raiser to Support Children & Their Families in Haiti,” Venga Paella, 229 Brush Street (at 3rd St.), Oakland 4 to 8pm. Rolando lends a hand to some dear friends in their mission to provide education, nutrition, job training, community improvements and health care to rural Haitian families. Enjoy a great party at this cool Oakland spot that will serve up a splendid paella dinner and drinks. Bring a friend and meet smart, fun, caring people while Rolando Morales provides live entertainment on solo guitar and voice. Bid for unique local and Haitian crafts and amazing services you’ll want, such as Haitian crafts, catered dinners with live music with Rolando Morales and more! $45 includes dinner. http://www.pingg.com/rsvp/

Sionfonds supports Haitian Families, through education, opportunity and healthcare. All of our programs are conceived and implemented by Haitian families, teachers, doctors, farmers, social workers and community leaders. When appropriate we bring visitors from outside Haiti to share their skills and expertise in order to further the cause of Haitian autonomy. Learn more by visiting Sionfonds.org.