This boy trusts his father completely. Photo by Filios Sazeides,
Basic trust that develops through interaction between parents and children is the foundation of a purposeful and content life. Without trust life is not worth living. When children are in a trusting environment they learn to relax, count on the people around them, trust in themselves and trust in their ability to overcome obstacles. For that reason it is important for kids to learn to trust in the people around them. This is also the reason betrayal of basic trust, or interruption due to abandonment during early childhood while the essential first trust is build, is so very damaging to the psyche.
Father-daughter duo Dave and Claire Crosby
In our modern lives people are not always available to children. There is work, travel . Experts know that being responsive to children’s needs is the Nr. 1 important thing that can done for them. Their psychological make-up and their outlook during the rest of their lives depends on their ability to know that when they reach their most trusted adults and that they we will be there when needed. Erik Erikson and Jean Piaget to of the most formidable child psychologists teach that trust in self cannot happen without this basic trust. When kids are able to trust that their parents will respond to their every need they develop this “basic trust” or ‘Urvertrauen” is formed. Without this basic trust a person will develop “basic mistrust.”
The only way a parent can help a child find that basic positive outlook on life it to respond to their children in realtime. Technology can have a positive or negative effect on our lives. We can become distracted or we can use the technology the be there for our kids. The choice is ours.
Smartwatches are a solution that will allow us to stay in touch with those who are most important to us. We can created phone trees of trusted adults and create a digital circle of love with Family Assistant Apps and Vigilints Kids Smartwatches are a potential for parents to stay connected, regardless of how busy life gets.
Former CIA Director John Brennan’s tweet after watching Trump’s Helsinki news conference where Trump chose not to condemn Russia for it’s cyber operation to meddle in our elections, and chose instead to condemn the FBI for investigating it.
¡Hola, Mi Gente!
Well, America voted for a man who would shake things up. Mission accomplished!
Now seasoned veterans on both sides of the aisle seem equally enraged by his actions and words. We’ve known for some time now that the democrats have been short of spine, voice and message. Concurrently, the republicans have been scrambling to “explain” his words and actions and remained in lock step support with his actions and increasingly questionable policies. Party first, country second.
Where are the real patriots? Isn’t it time we all say enough is enough? Isn’t it time we all acknowledge he doesn’t really care about putting America first? He really only values himself. Even when confronted with undeniable evidence of Russian interference, he perceives only that it threatens the legitimacy of his own election win, despite the report saying there was insufficient evidence that the meddling affected the election outcome. There’s a big, black hole in him that he just can’t fill.
The world was replete with memes and cartoons that touched on the events of the last couple days. Pretty good ones, too! The one I posted here is comparatively tame and artful against so many of the angrier, bawdier ones that are so prevalent.
Through it all, I’ll keep pushing forward with my music, bringing what I hope is an uplifting, personal experience we can share together. I won’t be doing as many public shows the rest of this month, but I do have a great one happening this Saturday July 21st from 8-11pm at The Vine in Danville, when I’ll be playing with the great violinist Carlos Reyes. We don’t do this often at this venue, so don’t miss it! Details below.
There are a few more things happening, including my rare duet with Latin rock guitarist from Carlos Santana, Carlos Hernandez, making his debut at Havana in Walnut Creek on Friday July 27. Details below.
See you at the show!
Carlos Reyes joins Rolando Morales at the Vine at Bridges, July 21 2018
Saturday July 21, Vine at Bridges, 480 Hartz Avenue, Danville, 8-11pm.The Rolando Morales Duet returns to this cool winery and nightspot. Enjoy a wonderful selection of wines, superb dinners and tapas while grooving to this powerful duet. This time Rolando welcomes the astounding Paraguayan violinist who plays with Arturo Sandoval and Steve Miller,Carlos Reyes; and on guitar, voice and his pedal board of magic, the passionate Rolando Morales. Together they’ll create an exciting and unique musical alchemy. Don’t miss it!, (925) 820-7210.
Tuesday July 24, Maria, Maria Cantina,1470 North Broadway, Walnut Creek, approx 6-9pm.Rolando returns to Carlos Santana’s Walnut Creek restaurant for Taco Tuesday. $1 tacos, baby! Enjoy Rolando on solo guitar and voice with his huge repertoire and big sound out on the front patio. He may be joined by a special musical guest., (925) 946-1010.
Rolando Morales- Carlos Hernandez joins Rolando Morales -July 2018
Friday July 27, Havana Cuban Cuisine,1516 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek, approx 8:30-11pm.Rolando returns to this fine Cuban restaurant and live music venue. Tonight will feature the electric rock guitarist from Carlos Santana, the exciting Carlos Hernandez; and on guitar, vocals and his pedal board of magic, Rolando Morales. Together they’ll rock Havana through the night., (925) 939-4555.
Janice Maxine-Reid joins Rolando Morales at Havana, Walnut Creek Friday
¡Hola, Mi Gente!
What a whirlwind of a week!
After doing my last gigs of June, I flew down to So Cal for a few days to see my mom and visiting brother and family from Michigan. There I closed some last-minute gig offers.
Last Thursday I flew back in time for The Vine. The following morning I said goodbye to my friend at her funeral who I wrote you about last week. It was a beautiful, heart-felt service.
From there, I went to the Mission in San Francisco to play with old and new friends at Cafe La Taza. It was a wild scene and our quartet blew the walls out of the packed house. They were watching from the sidewalk through the windows because they couldn’t get in.
Then on Saturday I learned of more life-threatening issues impacting more close family in Southern Cal. Then that night I kicked it strong with saxophonist Sonya Jason at Havana. By the end of that day, I was emotionally drained.
Sunday I slept. I could finally go to the store and then did a challenging, healing hike at Lake Chabot, where I confirmed yet another last-minute gig.
And that one is today, Monday. I’m off to play with Carlos Reyes and the band for a great private concert in Moraga.
And two more last-minute shows happen on Tuesday July 10 at Maria, Maria in Walnut Creek, and then my surprise return to Piacere in San Carlos on Thursday July 12. All the details are below in the Calendar.
And remember I’m finally reuniting with the amazing keyboardist-vocalist Janice Maxie-Reid who makes her debut on Saturday July 13 at Havana in Walnut Creek as I continue my new duet series at that venue. All details below.
Plenty more coming up in the month including a duet appearance featuring the great violinist Carlos Reyes at The Vine at Bridges on Saturday July 21 from 8-11pm in Danville. Details below.
Please join me as we continue to celebrate our journey together.
Tuesday July 10, Maria, Maria Cantina, 1470 North Broadway, Walnut Creek, approx 6-9pm. After over a year, Rolando finally returns to Carlos Santana’s Walnut Creek restaurant for Taco Tuesday. $1 tacos, baby! Enjoy Rolando on solo guitar and voice with his huge repertoire and big sound out on the front patio. He may be joined by a special musical guest., (925) 946-1010.
Thursday July 12, Piacere, 727 Laurel Street, San Carlos, CA 94070, 8-11 pm. After more than 1½ years away, Rolando finally returns to this fine Peninsula restaurant that takes you on a culinary tour of Italy. Rolando will take you on a sensory tour of the Americas and beyond on solo guitar and voice in the fun, lively bar area., (650) 592-2040.
Friday July 13, Havana Cuban Cuisine, 1516 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek, approx 8:30-11pm. Rolando returns to this fine Cuban restaurant and live music venue. Tonight will feature the delightful keyboardist and chanteuse Janice Maxie-Reid, who has shared the stage with Sting and Stevie Wonder; and on guitar, voice and his pedal board of magic, Rolando Morales. Together they create irresistible blends of Latin, classic R&B and soulful jazz for the first time at this venue. Don’t miss it!, (925) 939-4555.
Carlos Reyes joins Rolando Morales at the Vine at Bridges, July 21 2018
Saturday July 21, Vine at Bridges, 480 Hartz Avenue, Danville, 8-11pm. The Rolando Morales Duet returns to this cool winery and nightspot. Enjoy a wonderful selection of wines, superb dinners and tapas while grooving to this powerful duet. This time Rolando welcomes the astounding Paraguayan violinist who plays with Arturo Sandoval and Steve Miller, Carlos Reyes; and on guitar, voice and his pedal board of magic, the passionate Rolando Morales. Together they’ll create an exciting and unique musical alchemy. Don’t miss it!, (925) 820-7210.
Rolando Morales with fans by the hot fire at Maria, Maria
Tuesday July 24, Maria, Maria Cantina, 1470 North Broadway, Walnut Creek, approx 6-9pm. Rolando returns to Carlos Santana’s Walnut Creek restaurant for Taco Tuesday. $1 tacos, baby! Enjoy Rolando on solo guitar and voice with his huge repertoire and big sound out on the front patio. He may be joined by a special musical guest., (925) 946-1010.
Friday July 27, Havana Cuban Cuisine, 1516 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek, approx 8:30-11pm. Rolando returns to this fine Cuban restaurant and live music venue. Tonight will feature the electric rock guitarist from Carlos Santana, the exciting Carlos Hernandez; and on guitar, vocals and his pedal board of magic, Rolando Morales. Together they’ll rock Havana through the night., (925) 939-4555.
Lines are 20 feel long for free food in San Francisco, May 2018
Children who are pregnant because they were molested and raped; young teenage mothers who are not equipped to raise a child – since clearly they are too young to take responsibility for themselves; impoverished mothers who have a hard time raising the kids they already have; they all no longer have a right to fact-based information.
The conservative leaning Supreme Court ruled that withholding information about options available to people who really may benefit from an array of information will now be misled, misinformed – legally. There are a lot of women who are not equipped to be a parent they need options with help, not judgment and misinformation.
Brave New World: 2018 US Supreme Court decided it is okay to mislead pregnant girls and women base on “religious” grounds.
The youngest person on record giving birth after being raped was Linda Medina who gave birth at six years and five months. It is not unusual for 11 to 12 year old girls to ovulate. If they are raped or their sexual explorations end up in pregnancy they are faced with a very challenging life.
Now in 2018 the Supreme Court decided that religious extremists have the right to mislead and misinform and lie to women who really need information more than anyone else. If they were informed they would not be in the plight they find themselves in. They would not seek help from religious extremists who want to impose their apocalyptic views onto any miserable person that falls into their clutches.
Already without this debacle 1 in 4 women will go on a welfare benefit program within 3 years of their child being born. Who will care for unwanted children who are a result of misinformation? It is clear the Supreme Court doesn’t care nor is that in their job description. Religious extremists want to abolish insurance, privatize welfare and they want to mislead people who are ill equipped to be parents to have children. 60% of unwed mothers live in poverty.
14 Million children in the US go hungry every night. There is no care for that clearly. The religious extremists voted for a philandering president who had sex with porn stars. Michael Cohen handled his behavioral issues of the president and those of his friends. Mistresses were paid hush money and to have abortions.
The religious extremists clearly don’t have any consistent value system. They want to control and impose their will on the victims who need help more than anyone. No one is more vulnerable than a pregnant girl or women recovering from rape or sexual molestation, or even just a mistake.
The president is friends, with Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted child molester who was convicted for soliciting underage girls for prostitution. Religious extremists voted in a friend of a convicted child molester and human trafficker. They mislead people just as their chosen leader enjoys to do. Important information about options are withheld. The centers lie to and mislead victims. It’s official:
The use of the freedom of speech laws is now used to protect liars. This is yet another low for the US. This is a country of laws, and now:
National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra, No. 16-1140 has been decided. The conservative Supreme Court voted for misinformation and is against California’s State Rights to handle their own affairs.