Tag: Omar Ledezma

  • Rolando Morales and Omar Ledezma appear at San Jose Fairmont on Thursday, June 16

    Rolando Morales and Omar Ledezma at Fairmont San Jose June 16

    Thursday June 16, The San Jose Fairmont, Lobby Lounge, 170 South Market St., San Jose CA, 9pm-MidnightRolando returns for you South Bay fans to this elegant venue.  Enjoy fine wines, unique martinis, appetizers and sushi along with the Rolando Morales Duet, this time featuring the Grammy-wining Latin percussionist/vocalist from Venezuela, Omar Ledezma; and Rolando Morales leading the way on guitar and vocals and his magic pedal board.   Free!  See www.fairmont.com/sanjose/ for info, or call (408) 998-1900.

  • An Evening with Rolando Morales and Carlos Reyes at Sausalito Seahorse May 28

    Seahorse May 2

    Saturday May 28, “An Evening with Rolando Morales and Carlos Reyes,” Sausalito Seahorse, 305 Harbor Drive, Sausalito, approx. 8:30-11:30pm.  After a full year away, these two passionate musicians finally return to Seahorse to put on their unique show at this fun waterfront restaurant and club.  The great Paraguayan harpist/violinist Carlos Reyes and passionate guitarist/vocalist Rolando Morales will play a short set in duet to close out the dinner hour, followed by a concert and dancing to the World Class Rolando Morales Group featuring from Gregg Rolie and Dianne Reeves, the amazing bassist Gary Brown; from Lauryn Hill, the exciting drummer David Flores; from Venezuela, the Grammy-winning Latin percussionist/vocalist Omar Ledezma; from Paraguay, the thrilling violinist and harpist Carlos Reyes; and the powerful Rolando Morales leading the journey on guitar, guitar synthesizer and vocals.   Don’t miss it!   $15.  Make your  reservations at (415) 331-2899. www.sausalitoseahorse.com