Tag: Omar Ledezma

  • Rolando Morales July 2019 Calendar

    Rolando Morales July 2019 Calendar

    July 3, 2019

     ¡Hola, mi Gente!

    I have a few public shows you’ll want to catch in your new July Calendar.  I’m finally starting up some Marriott Walnut Creek shows beginning this Saturday July 6 at 6pm.  Details below. 

    And this Sunday July 7, after almost a year away, I finally return to the Pairings Wine Bar and Restaurant in downtown Pleasanton for a special “chill” session from 1:30-4:30pm in the afternoon.  Details below.

    Know too that I’m finally back with the great keyboardist-vocalist Janice Maxie-Reid on July 19 at Havana in Walnut Creek.  She’s a true favorite ofaudiences around the world, so don’t miss it!  Details below.

    Then yet another version of the Rolando Morales Trio appearson Saturday July 27, 9-11:30pm, also at Havana in Walnut Creek.  This will be the first time we play together as a trio: Grammy-winning Latin percussionist-vocalist Omar Ledezma; bassist from Arturo Sandoval, the funky Dewayne Pate; and Yours Truly on guitar, guitar synth and voice.  We’ll be stretching like never before.  Reserve your seats early, because it will fill up.  Details below.   

    Have a great 4th of July break and see you at the show!



    Rolando Morales enjoying some time playing with his nephews.
    Rolando Morales enjoying some time playing with his nephews playing for Rolando’s mom

    ¡Hola, mi Gente!

    After my car repairs, I did a few more gigs and then drove down to my mom’s in So Cal last Monday to join my brother visiting with his family from Michigan.  They had already been there a week and were finishing up their last 4 days.

    My little twin nephews are growing up, getting ready to start high school.  Rocco has stretched to 5’9, Vincent about 5’7.  Both had been playing a lot of hoops since I saw them last.  When I told them over the phone that I was driving down to kick their butts on the basketball court, Rocco just chuckled and said, “I don’t think so.”  

    A couple days after I got down there, I taught Rocco (guitar) and Vincent (trumpet) an Ennio Morricone piece I arranged for them that morning to play as a duet and played the tune for my mom.  They are both already quite accomplished for their ages.  I think Rocco is better than I was at his age. 

    After working a couple hours, Vincent then said, “You wanna go out and play basketball?”  They got big smiles and were ready to kick my butt.  We went out into the hot sun and I schooled them.  They did get a lot better, but they didn’t have a chance.  I beat them 1 on 2, then we did about three 2 on 2 games with my brother in different combinations.  Then I moved ever so slowly into the house and passed out for about 90 minutes on the couch. To quote Danny Glover in “Lethal Weapon,” “I’m getting too old for this shit.” And that’s an old reference. 

    I made it back in time for more private shows, including a very special, intimate wedding held on the beach in Montara.  It was a heart-warming international gathering of love.  It was an honor to play for it.

    I have a combination of private and public shows all week.  Try not to miss this one: This Friday July 19, 9-11:30pm, I’m finally back with the great keyboardist-vocalist Janice Maxie-Reid at Havana in Walnut Creek.  With her sweet voice, funky playing and charm, she always is an audience favorite.  We’ll be doing our expanded repertoire of classic R&B, soul, and Latin blends and inventions.  Swing by!  Details below.

    Then this Saturday July 20, I’m back on solo guitar and voice at the Marriott Walnut Creek in the Lobby Lounge from 6-9pm.  Details below. 

    And remember that next week I’ll have another version of the Rolando Morales Trio appearingon Saturday July 27, 9-11:30pm at Havana in Walnut Creek.  This will be the first time we play together as a trio: Grammy-winning Latin percussionist-vocalist Omar Ledezma; bassist from Arturo Sandoval, the funky Dewayne Pate; and Yours Truly on guitar, guitar synth and voice.  We’ll be stretching like never before.  Reserve your seats early, because it will fill up.  Details below.   See you at the show!



    At the Montara Beach wedding

    At the Montara Beach wedding


    Saturday July 6, Walnut Creek Marriott, Lobby Lounge & Bar, 2355 North Main Street, Walnut Creek, 6-9pm.  After 2 months away, Rolando finally returns to this popular East Bay hotel and gathering spot in the newly renovated lounge in the shadow of Mount Diablo, where you can enjoy your favorite cocktail, fine wines and a lovely full menu.  Enjoy a sophisticated environment with an international clientele and great acoustics, perfect for Rolando’s vast repertoire on solo guitar and voice and your wonderful night out.  Reservations: (925) 934-2000, https://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/oakwc-walnut-creek-marriott/.

    Rolando Morales Trio will perform at Havana's in Walnut Creek, Friday June 28, 2021

    Sunday July 7, Pairings Wine Bar and Restaurant, 310 Main Street, Pleasanton CA 94566, 1:30-4:30pm.  After almost a year away, Rolando finally returns to this exciting social hotspot in downtown Pleasanton.They’re introducing a new “Social Sunday”, which will be a wine sipping, live music “chill” event.  Rolando will perform a mellower side of his repertoire on solo guitar and voice to help ease you into your Sunday.  Free!  www.pairingscellars.com, (925) 398-8846.

    Rolando Morales Trio will perform at Havana's in Walnut Creek, Friday June 28, 2021

    Friday July 19, Havana Cuban Cuisine, 1516 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek, approx 9-11:30pm. Rolando returns for this special series of duet engagements at this fine Cuban restaurant and live music venue.  Tonight, after almost half a year away, features the return of the charming keyboardist-vocalist who shared the stage with Stevie Wonder and Sting, the charismatic Janice Maxie-Reid; and on guitar, vocals and his pedal board of magic, Rolando Morales.  Together they create a unique musical alchemy, so don’t miss it!   www.havanarestaurant.net,   (925) 939-4555.

    Rolando Morales Show returns to the Marriott in Walnut Creek July 6th and 20th.

    Saturday July 20, Walnut Creek Marriott, Lobby Lounge & Bar, 2355 North Main Street, Walnut Creek, 6-9pm.  Rolando returns to this popular East Bay hotel and gathering spot in the newly renovated lounge in the shadow of Mount Diablo, where you can enjoy your favorite cocktail, fine wines and a lovely full menu.  Enjoy a sophisticated environment with an international clientele and great acoustics, perfect for Rolando’s vast repertoire on solo guitar and voice and your wonderful night out.  Reservations: (925) 934-2000, https://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/oakwc-walnut-creek-marriott/.

    Rolando Morales Trio will perform at Havana's in Walnut Creek, Friday June 28, 2021

    Saturday July 27, Havana Cuban Cuisine, 1516 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek, approx 9-11:30pm.  The Rolando Morales Trio returns to the East Bay!  This version of the exciting trio makes its debut at this fine Cuban restaurant and live music venue, featuring for the first time at this venue, the powerful bassist who played with Arturo Sandoval and Robben Ford, the great Dewayne Pate; the Grammy-winning Latin percussionist-vocalist from Pacific Mambo Orchestra, the amazing Omar Ledezma; and on guitar, guitar synth and voice, Rolando Morales.  This is a rare treat, first time publicly in the East Bay.  Make your reservations early.  It’ll fill up!  www.havanarestaurant.net,   (925) 939-4555.


    If you would like to order a CD, read on.  If you’d like to order our CD “Rolando Y Qué?!”, you can pick it up at my website, the gigs or by mail.  They’re $15.00 at the gigs, or $17.00 by mail to cover postage and handling. TO ORDER THE NEWEST CD “ROLANDO, Y QUÉ?!” by mail: Send a check or money order payable to Rolando Morales for $17.00 for the CD and postage to Rolando Morales, 9028 Burr Street, Oakland, CA 94605. and I’ll send it to you.  Let me know if you’d like .it signed.

    TO ORDER THE ORIGINAL “PASSPORT: 10th ANNIVERSARY EDITION” CD by mail, send $17.00 to the same address as above. Be sure to include your return address.


    All other shows are private. Why not hire Rolando for your own private event? He’s available for corporate shows, weddings, parties, concerts and festivals. The Rolando Morales Group is available as sextet, quintet, quartet, trio and duo depending on your entertainment needs and budget.

    This email was sent to you for Rolando Morales: RMG, 9028 Burr Street, Oakland, CA 94605Unsubscribe
    RioVida Networks Public Relations

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  • Join Rolando Morales with Estaire Godinez this Friday!

    Rolando Morales Newsletter
    Rolando Morales with his mom

    “Drew Youngs, Celso Alberti grooving with Rolando Morales at a private event last Saturday”

    May 28, 2019

     ¡Hola, mi Gente!

    I’ve been flying under the radar again, doing some private events that really kept me occupied. One kept me jumping for a couple months and we just finished it Saturday night.  It was a performance with my 6-piece band, sound and lighting crew.  I was proud of my guys: Celso Alberti, David Belove, Omar Ledezma, Drew Youngs, Bob Crawford, and Jeff Cressman running sound.  We made our client very, very happy.  No small feat, considering he played bass in the early days of the Eagles. 

    Remember, we can do this for YOU as well!  Feel free to contact me if you have an event or party coming up and can use some live music.  We’ll contour a package to meet your needs.  Don’t be shy and contact us early!

    This week is largely private again, but I do have a fun duet show coming up this Friday May 31st with the irrepressible Estaire Godinez on Latin percussion and voice at Havana in Walnut Creek.  It’s been several months since she’s performed with me at this venue.  Last time, we really got the place going, and we certainly intend to do so again.  Make your reservations!  Details below.

    We’ll have much more for you next month.  I’ll have the full June Calendar for you next week after I confirm details.  You can also check my website Calendar Page as we get closer, as I’ll probably be posting there before the letter goes out.  See you at the show!




    Rolando Morales will be joined by Estaire Godinez in Walnut Creek and May 31, 2019

    Friday May 31, Havana Cuban Cuisine, 1516 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek, approx. 9-11:30pm. Rolando returns for this special series of duet engagements at this fine Cuban restaurant and live music venue.  Tonight will feature the charismatic Latin percussionist-vocalist who played with George Benson and Prince, the entertaining Estaire Godinez; and on guitar, vocals and his pedal board of magic, Rolando Morales.  Together they create a unique musical alchemy, so don’t miss it! www.havanarestaurant.net,   (925) 939-4555.


    If you would like to order a CD, read on.  If you’d like to order our CD “Rolando Y Qué?!”, you can pick it up at my website, the gigs or by mail.  They’re $15.00 at the gigs, or $17.00 by mail to cover postage and handling. TO ORDER THE NEWEST CD “ROLANDO, Y QUÉ?!” by mail: Send a check or money order payable to Rolando Morales for $17.00 for the CD and postage to Rolando Morales, 9028 Burr Street, Oakland, CA 94605. and I’ll send it to you.  Let me know if you’d like .it signed.

    TO ORDER THE ORIGINAL “PASSPORT: 10th ANNIVERSARY EDITION” CD by mail, send $17.00 to the same address as above. Be sure to include your return address.


    All other shows are private. Why not hire Rolando for your own private event? He’s available for corporate shows, weddings, parties, concerts and festivals. The Rolando Morales Group is available as sextet, quintet, quartet, trio and duo depending on your entertainment needs and budget.

    This email was sent to you for Rolando Morales: RMG, 9028 Burr Street, Oakland, CA 94605

    RioVida Networks Public Relations

    This email message may contain an advertisement or solicitation.

  • Rolando Morales February 2019 Public Performances Calendar

    Rolando Morales Newsletter

    Friday Feb 8, Havana Cuban Cuisine, 1516 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek, approx 8:30-11pm. Rolando returns for this special series of duet engagements at this fine Cuban restaurant and live music venue.  Tonight will feature the rock guitarist from Carlos Santana, the exciting Carlos Hernandez; and on guitar, vocals and his pedal board of magic, Rolando Morales.  Together they’ll rock Havana all night long.  Don’t miss it!   www.havanarestaurant.net,   (925) 939-4555.

    Rolando Morales Newsletter

    Saturday Feb 9, Walnut Creek Marriott, Lobby Lounge & Bar, 2355 North Main Street, Walnut Creek, 6-9pm.  Rolando returns to this redesigned East Bay hotel and gathering spot in the newly renovated lounge in the shadow of Mount Diablo, where you can enjoy your favorite cocktail, fine wines and a lovely full menu.  Enjoy a sophisticated environment with an international clientele and great acoustics, perfect for Rolando’s vast repertoire on solo guitar and voice and your wonderful night out.  Reservations: (925) 934-2000, https://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/oakwc-walnut-creek-marriott/.

    Rolando Morales Newsletter

    Friday Feb 15, Barone’s Restaurant, 475 St. John St., Pleasanton CA, approx 7:30-10:30pm.  After  almost 5 months away, Rolando finally returns to one of Pleasanton’s premiere dining establishments.  Just in time to extend your Valentine’s Day weekend!  Enjoy exquisite meals and service, libations and Rolando’s vast repertoire in the lively Cocktail Lounge.   See www.baronespleasanton.com, (925) 426-0987.

    Saturday Feb 16, Barone’s Restaurant, 475 St. John St., Pleasanton CA, approx 7:30-10:30pm.  Two days in a row!  Continue your Valentine’s Day Weekend at one of Pleasanton’s premiere dining establishments.  Enjoy exquisite meals and service, libations and Rolando’s vast repertoire in the Cocktail Lounge.   See www.baronespleasanton.com, (925) 426-0987.

    Friday Feb 22, Havana Cuban Cuisine, 1516 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek, approx 8:30-11pm. Rolando returns to this fine Cuban restaurant and live music venue.  Tonight, for only the 2nd time at this venue will be the remarkable Grammy-winning Latin percussionist-vocalist from Venezuela, Omar Ledezma, from the Pacific Mambo Orchestra; and on guitar, voice and his pedal board of magic, Rolando Morales.  Together they create fire.  Don’t miss it!  www.havanarestaurant.net,   (925) 939-4555.

    Saturday Feb 23, Walnut Creek Marriott, Lobby Lounge & Bar, 2355 North Main Street, Walnut Creek, 6-9pm.  Rolando returns to this redesigned East Bay hotel and gathering spot in the newly renovated lounge in the shadow of Mount Diablo.  Enjoy your favorite cocktail, fine wines and full, delicious menu in a sophisticated environment with an international clientele and great acoustics, perfect for Rolando’s vast repertoire on solo guitar and voice and your wonderful night out.  Reservations: (925) 934-2000, https://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/oakwc-walnut-creek-marriott/.


    If you would like to order a CD, read on.  If you’d like to order our CD “Rolando Y Qué?!”, you can pick it up at my website, the gigs or by mail.  They’re $15.00 at the gigs, or $17.00 by mail to cover postage and handling. TO ORDER THE NEWEST CD “ROLANDO, Y QUÉ?!” by mail: Send a check or money order payable to Rolando Morales for $17.00 for the CD and postage to Rolando Morales, 9028 Burr Street, Oakland, CA 94605. and I’ll send it to you.  Let me know if you’d like .it signed.

    TO ORDER THE ORIGINAL “PASSPORT: 10th ANNIVERSARY EDITION” CD by mail, send $17.00 to the same address as above. Be sure to include your return address.


    All other shows are private. Why not hire Rolando for your own private event? He’s available for corporate shows, weddings, parties, concerts and festivals. The Rolando Morales Group is available as sextet, quintet, quartet, trio and duo depending on your entertainment needs and budget.

  • Rolando Morales with Grammy Award Winning, Omar Ledezma at Havana on October 27, 2018

    Grammy-award winning Omar Ledezma joins Rolando Morales on Oct 27, 2018 at the Havana in Walnut Creek
    Grammy-award winning Omar Ledezma joins Rolando Morales on Oct 27, 2018 at the Havana in Walnut Creek

    Rolando Morales will be accompanied by Grammy Award winning, Omar Ledezma at Havana on October 27, 2018.

    Rolando Morales will also entertain guests at Maria Maria onFriday Oct 26, Maria, Maria Cantina,  1470 North Broadway, Walnut Creek, approx 6-9pm.

    Tuesday Oct 30, Maria, Maria Cantina, 710 Camino Ramon Road, Danville CA, approx 6-9pm.

    Rolando finally does a Taco Tuesday at Carlos Santana’s Danville restaurant.  Enjoy Rolando on solo guitar and voice with his diverse repertoire performing on the patio by the fire pits.  (925) 820-2366, www.mariamariarestaurants.com.