by Keith Okie

The music of Rebel Sol comes from a deep spiritual desire to shine light and love on the world. Not just your average party band; these guys serve a higher purpose. They know the true power of love and walk through life in awareness of the strength that comes from the musical gifts that have been bestowed upon them.
This vibration shines through in the music. It encourages us to care for one another, to live in harmony with our families and community, to dissolve mental and spiritual boundaries and to break the bonds of conditioning that bind us as individuals and a society.
Rebel Sol reminds us that even after the darkest night, the sun always rises, the light will always shine and that the universe is an infinitely wonderful place.
Upcoming Tour Dates:
SATURDAY JUL. 6, 2019 at the Orpheum Theater in Flagstaff AZ.
Keith Okie & Friends with special guests Zoe and Petey of Kill Babylon Coalition
“Southwest Acoustic Reggae Showcase”
Doors at 8 pm
Show at 9 pm
$5 at the door
This is one of the biggest and best local theaters here in northern Arizona. Great spot! They actually sought us out on this one to put a show together for their fourth of July weekend series.
THURSDAY, JUL. 18th, 2019 at the Marquee Theater in Tempe, AZ.
Toots and the Maytals with Keith Okie & Rebel Sol and others.
Doors at 6
Show at 7
$33 (or $20 presales from opening bands)
Toots and the Maytals are one of the all-time greatest reggae bands ever. Toots Hibbert is credited with inventing the word reggae and is one of the most soulful, well-known and prolific artists in reggae history. A real original legend.
SATURDAY, AUG. 24, 2019 at The Hut in Tucson AZ.
E.N. Young with Keith Okie & Rebel Sol and ZeeCeeKeely
Show at 9:30
Rebel Sol set is 10:45 to 11:45
E.N. Young plays with one of the biggest national reggae bands call Tribal Seeds. He also owns a studio called Imperial Sound and a label called Roots Musician Records. Big player in the national reggae scene. Really good music too. Everyone is excited for this one.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th Havasu Landing Tribal Reggae Festival
Havasu Landing Resort and Casino (on lake Havasu outside of needles, CA)
Set time and details to follow.
Media Contact: Edie Okamoto at or 510-693-0166
Feel free to contact her for any further information, videos, photos and to schedule interviews.

Booking Contact: Keith Okie
Phone- (928)-963-0359
Instagram – @keithokie