Tag: Joyce Gordon Gallery

  • Joyce Gordon Gallery presents Art by Chukes and music by Miguel Y Los Buenos Ensemble

    Join art and music lovers on Friday, September 29th 6-9pm for the Closing Reception of “Identity Theft” featuring live music by Miguel Y Los Buenos Ensemble.

    featuring new works by Chukes
    August 4 – September 30, 2017
    Closing Reception: Friday, September 29th 

    Joyce Gordon Gallery is a commercial fine art gallery located in the downtown district of Oakland, California. It exhibits art that reflects the social and cultural diversity of the Bay Area and international artists. The aim of the gallery is to respect the creative pursuits of the individual and seeks to make such work accessible to a broad audience.

     Gallery Hours:
    Wed – Fri: 11-6pm | Sat:  1-5pm Sun: by appointment
  • Save the Date for Joyce Gordon Gallery’s upcoming event: Oakland Youth Art Explosion!

    Save the Date for Joyce Gordon Gallery’s upcoming event: Oakland Youth Art Explosion!

    Oakland Youth Art Explosion: 
    1st Annual Youth Art Festival  
    YAE! 2017
    Sunday, August 6th, 2017  11:00am – 6pm
    Downtown Merchants Parking Garage
    1316 Franklin St.
    Oakland, CA. 94612

    OYAE! (Oakland Youth Art Explosion) 

    hosted by Joyce Gordon Foundation of the Arts is a Youth Festival featured and organized by youth and young adults.
    ORGANIZERS (just to name a few):
    Youth Urban Farm Project, Eastside Art Alliance

    Joyce Gordon Foundation of the Arts, Attitudinal Healing Center, Downtown TAY, HHREC, Oakland Unite and You!

    YOUTH ART EVENTS (just to name a few)

    Hip Hop and Jazz Band Performance, Urban Youth Farmers Market, Live Painting Mural Projects, OYAE Youth Cinema, Dance Group Performances, Spoken Word/Open Mic, Painting Workshop w/ Professional Artists, Youth Art Exhibit (preview in July @Joyce Gordon Gallery) Martial Arts and more!

    SPONSORS (just to name a few)
    Carmel Partners, Akonadi Foundation, Greenlining Institute, Geoffrey’s InnerCircle, HHREC
    Joyce Gordon Foundation of the Arts is a nonprofit cultural resource for Oakland and the Bay area community. Committed to the development of artist and enriching the cultural landscape by engaging a diverse group (emerging artist, seniors, veterans, those with disabilities) to dream and work together to bring about positive change while building community.

    Joyce Gordon Gallery
    406 14th St
    Oakland, California 94612

  • Dec. 3rd, Joyce Gordon Gallery holds special X-mas Family and Professional Portrait Event with Jim Dennis, Photographers for the Stars

    Pete Escovedo Family Portrait by Jim Dennis
    Pete Escovedo Family Portrait by Jim Dennis

    Question: What does Pete Escovedo, the Dalai Lama, Joyce Gordon and you have in common?
    Answer: A portrait by Jim Dennis.

    Well, you will if you attend the Saturday, December 3rd Joyce Gordon Gallery opportunity to have your professional portrait taken by the internationally renown artist Jim Dennis. This summer, Jim Dennis celebrated his illustrious 50th anniversary of his photography career. Joyce Gordon asked him then to offer portraits to her loyal art fans at a stark discount. There was so much demand for this special treat that Joyce Gordon and Jim Dennis decided to select Saturday, December 3rd to offer this special Holiday Treat to you, again.

    Go have your portrait taken by Jim Dennis and enjoy the current Joyce Gordon Gallery show.

    Right now the Joyce Gordon Gallery presents “The Art of Aziz Diagne” a collection of Theissoise paintings and multimedia works by Senegal born artist, Aziz Diagne.


    Theissoise, reversed painting on glass, is a process that involves applying color to the glass in the exact reverse process involved when painting on any other surface. The process is a detailed and a painstaking method as each color is applied separately. Brushes and various other tools are used to give continuity, contrast and texture to the finished work. Rich in symbolism, the artist’s work captures the spirit and ambiance of the universal experience. Aziz Diagne is a multi-media artist from Senegal, West Africa. He grew up in the city of Thies, amid the traditional art forms of his homeland. These art forms include rock carving, ceramic and wood sculpture, murals, tapestry, and Thiesoise (reverse painting on glass). Aziz, a self-taught painter, through his unique and dynamic talents, quickly established himself as one of the premiere contemporary glass painters. Before coming to the United States, Aziz studied in Dakar and Thies, Senegal. He then pursued art for several years in neighboring countries Mauritania and Morocco. Aziz traveled extensively throughout Africa, Europe, and South America, absorbing the art and cultures of diverse environments. These experiences have greatly enhanced the artist’s seemingly limitless repertoire and creative energy.

    About the Gallery

    Joyce Gordon has long been hailed as the heart of Oakland’s vibrant arts community. Ms. Gordon is all about making art accessible to everyone, from the New York collector flying in for a $25,000 piece to the curious teenager peeking in the front door.  Some of those artists participated in Gordon’s inaugural exhibition in 2003, a star-studded event with actor Robert Redford, a longtime friend of Gordon’s, kicking off the festivities. Since then, the gallery has been the scene of international photo competitions and exhibits by emerging local artists, book signings, poetry readings, music and film events. There’s been a tribute to Michelle Obama, giant trampoline sculptures that took up the whole gallery floor and a look back at the Occupy movement. Join us in celebrating art, portraits, and kick in the holiday season in style.  Create a long term memory you and your loved ones will cherish for many years to come.

    Joyce Gordon Gallery, 406 Fourteenth St. Downtown Oakland, CA 94612 

  • Join us on Thursday, August 18th from 6-10pm for Jim Dennis’ Birthday Celebration and Extended exhibit “50 Years In A Flash”.

    Jim Dennis' Birthday Celebration - Joyce Gordon Gallery
    Jim Dennis’ Birthday Celebration – Joyce Gordon Gallery
    50 Years In A Flash | Photography by Jim Dennis
    August 5 – August 27, 2016 
    Jim Dennis’ Birthday Celebration 
    Thursday, August 18th 6 – 10pm 
    Joyce Gordon Gallery Tour 6-7pm  
    Celebration at Geoffrey’s InnerCircle (410 14th St, Oakland) 
    7-10pm feat an extended music collection 
    ($5 Door Entry include live music and extended exhibit). 

    Get an amazing discount on your photo session by world renown photographer Jim Dennis
    Get an amazing discount on your photo session by world renown photographer Jim Dennis

    Sign up to have your portrait taken by renown Bay Area photographer, Jim Dennis here at Joyce Gordon Gallery along with celebrity makeup artist Meko White | .www.mekowhite.com

     Portrait Session $150 per person | Each Sessions are approximately 20mins to 30mins

    Joyce Gordon Gallery presents “50 Years In A Flash,” a retrospective of photography including portraits, nudes, music, flowers and landscapes by renowned Bay Area photographer Jim Dennis.