Tag: Jewelry

  • Fikorus Jewelry delights customers around the world.

    Anoinetta's Earrings by Fikorus.
    Anoinetta’s Earrings by Fikorus.
    Niina Karlsson’s jewelry designs delight women the world over.

    A Brief History of FIKORUS

    Fikorus was established in February 2010 by a couture designers Niina Karlsson and her husband Kalervo Karlsson.The name is a combination of FI like Finland and KORU which means Jewelry in finnish and then Ikaros, the white horse who flew too close to the sun.

    Fikorus is all about hand made luxury fashion accessories. All Fikorus items are designed and hand made in our studio in Helsinki, Finland. Every piece is meticulously made of high quality materials. Fikorus Jewelry and accessories are elegant, feminine, sophisticated and distinctive – bold and poetic at the same time.

    Find out about more of her amazingly gorgeous designs by visiting:  www.fikorus.com

  • Kalervo Karlsson stuns fashion world with his amazing photography.

    Kalervo Karlsson, stunning photographer.
    Kalervo Karlsson, stunning photographer.
    Kalervo Karlsson dazzles fashion world with his stunning photography.

    Kalervo is a photographer, visual artist and a designer.  He creates Karlsson Portraits. His portraits are Elegantly Glamorous. Sophisticated. Gorgeous.

    His gorgeous wife Niina as seen in the picture above is a designer, visual artist and a make-up artist, fashion designer and world renown jewelry artists. (www.fikorus.com)

    As a team they create these artistic Karlsson portraits (www.kalervokarlsson.com) together.
    They are creating an unforgettable experience in making the Dream come True Portrait of you.

    Make-Up and for hair the bring in expert hair stylists.

    Want to include your favorite pet in the family portrait?  Nor problem. They have experience in creating portraits of people with their beloved pets and you may be a bit jealous because your pet will fall in love with them, for a day :).

    Explore how you can leave the legacy of your own Karlsson-style Portrait to your heirs and luxuriate in the creative and enjoyable process of looking your best.

    Explore an estimate for your “Day as a Princess” or a “Day as Queen” or “Day as a King” now!

    Contact Kalervo and Niina Karlsson directly:

    Kalervo Karlsson
    Tel. 011 358 40 746 09 76

    E-mail: kalervo.karlsson@gmail.com