Hola, Mi Gente!
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I enjoyed mine. I drove down to So Cal in time to be with my Mom on her birthday last week. It was really important to me that I spend that precious time with her and make her smile. I stayed through Thanksgiving and drove back up the following day in time to get into a small car accident on Black Friday night in Dublin on the way home, work all night wrestling with a failing “Mail” program with AT&T tech until 2am, and hit a private gig. I think everything is finally up and running in time for a heavy December schedule.
This week in addition to my private shows, I’m happy to be returning to Barone’s Restaurant in Pleasanton this Friday night for a solo show at a first rate establishment. I always enjoy the patrons and staff at this warm, welcoming venue. Details below.
And on Saturday December 3, I return to The Vine at Bridges in Danville for a nice Latin Holiday version of my sound. I’ll have my buddy Edgardo Cambon along to add his fire on Latin Percussion and vocals. This might be my last appearance at The Vine for several months, so don’t miss it! Details below.

Know, too, that I’m returning for our annual Christmas “La Posada” Celebration for the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on Thursday December 8 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in San Rafael. It’s a great opportunity for dining, networking, dancing and grooving to my music. All the details are below.
The last public highlight happens on Saturday December 17 when I perform a special dinner show at RaeSet in Napa. They’ll provide a special 3-course Asian fusion meal with paired beers, and I’ll do a show for each of two seatings. All the details are below in the calendar. Definitely make your reservations soon as seating is limited. See www.raeset.com and order on line. Details below in the Calendar.
So check out your new December Calendar, come out and say Hey. See you at the show!
Friday Dec 2, Barone’s Restaurant, 475 St. John St., Pleasanton CA, approx 7:30-10:30pm. Rolando returns to one of Pleasanton’s premier dining establishments. Enjoy exquisite meals, libations and Rolando’s vast repertoire in the Cocktail Lounge for a great night out. See www.baronespleasanton.com, (925) 426-0987.
Saturday Dec 3, Vine at Bridges, 480 Hartz Avenue, Danville, approx 8-11pm. The Rolando Morales Duet returns to this cool winery and nightspot. Enjoy a wonderful selection of wines, superb dinners and munchies while grooving to this powerful duet. Tonight Rolando reunites with the wonderful Latin percussionist/vocalist from Uruguay who leads Candela, the great Edgardo Cambón; and on guitar, voice and his pedal board of magic, the passionate Rolando Morales. This is only the second time they’re playing at this venue this year, so don’t miss it! www.thevineatbridges.com, (925) 820-7210.
Thursday Dec 8, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Marin Annual Christmas “La Posada” Celebration, Embassy Suites Hotel, 101 McInnis Parkway, San Rafael CA, 5:30 to 9:30pm. Cecilia Zamora, President of this fine organization, has invited Rolando to play for this fun celebration with members and non-members interested in this influential body of community leaders. Enjoy Rolando performing on solo guitar and voice as you unwind to cocktails and hors d’ouvres, your included dinner and then the presentation of three annual prestigious awards. Then Rolando will play a spirited set for dancing to close the evening. You will emerge having made meaningful connections and sharing new insights. $50 members/$65 non-members. RSVP and purchase online: http://www.tinyurl.com/XMASLaPosada2016. For info call (415) 721-9686 or email hccmarin@um.att.com.
Thursday Dec 15, Piacere, 727 Laurel Street, San Carlos, CA 9070, 8-11 pm. After 2 years away, Rolando finally returns to this fine Peninsula restaurant that takes you on a culinary tour of Italy. Rolando will take you on a sensory tour of the Americas and beyond on solo guitar and voice. Come along for the ride. www.piacererestaurant.com, (650) 592-2040.
Saturday Dec 17, RaeSet, 3150B Jefferson Street, Napa CA 94558, Two Dinner Seatings: 5 to 6pm and 7:15 to 8:15pm. Two Shows: approx 6 to 7:15 and 8 to 9:15pm. Rolando debuts at this local Napa Asian Fusion casual dining room which pairs great food, great beer and great music. Tonight they offer two seatings for a special 3-course Asian-inspired dinner. Rolando will serve up his own unique blend of international flavors on solo guitar and voice, tailoring his sound to the moment. $50 includes show, 3-course dinner and a tasting of Almanac beers. Limited seating! Reserve now at (707) 666-2475, www.raeset.com.
Thursday Dec 29, Piacere, 727 Laurel Street, San Carlos, CA 94070, 8-11 pm. Rolando returns to this fine Peninsula restaurant that takes you on a culinary tour of Italy. Rolando will take you on a sensory tour of the Americas and beyond on solo guitar and voice in the fun, lively bar area. www.piacererestaurant.com, (650) 592-2040.
Friday Dec 30, Don Pico’s Mexican Bistro, 461 El Camino Real, San Bruno, 6 to 9 pm. Rolando returns to this popular dining spot for the last time this year on solo guitar and voice in the intimate Restaurant Room. (650) 589-1163 and see www.donpicosbistro.com.
All other shows are private. Why not hire Rolando for your own private event? He’s available for corporate shows, weddings, parties, concerts and festivals. The Rolando Morales group is available as sextet, quintet, quartet, trio and duo depending on your entertainment needs and budget.