Elegance and Beauty are making a Comeback in Finland

Jere Hietala, Photography
Jere Hietala’s unique style has brought him international acclaim. Jere Hietala prefers to work with fashion designers, advertising agencies, and major music labels. He was awarded the First prize in a national Finnish Photography contest.
Jere Hietala photographed Black Butterfly and Fire.
Okko Oinonen
“I aim to create timeless and meaningful images that reflect the mood of our time by using dramatic stories in all fields of photography. My subjects are caught in between the worlds of reality and fiction. A photograph tells a story, it can be seen as a silent film. To me, photography is like devising a carefully planned renaissance painting, where artistic form is coherent with the intellectual content. I create the style depending on the subject matter. The technical details and direction are as important as the idea.
Each photograph has to be perfect, like a heightened hyper-reality. Digital manipulation of the picture can be a useful technique, but only if it is stylistically consistent with the idea itself.” — Okko Oinonen
Snow Queen and many others.
Internet: www.okkooinonen.com
Janne Suono, Stylist
They are famous for their ability to make the most advantage of light. Their photoshoots are flawless. They are fun to work with.
Nina Hyvarinen
Nina is like a samurai in the package of a butterfly. Kalervo has seen many dancers and to him she is the best in the world. She is rising out of the earth with strength and grace. He is not alone. The press celebrates her all around the world, here is one quote by Auli Räsänen.
“Nina Hyvärinen surprised by her sensual solo The Rite in which her emphatic body bent to the choreography showing the influence of the African. Supple pelvis, shigering muscles and breathing dance – all were enjoyable to see.
Hyvärinen walks her own ways and it feels now that she has taken off her uniform of the ballerina. I hope that she keeps her career as a wide contemporary dancer – in a field which she is ideal for herself”.
Auli Räsänen
Helsingin Sanomat, Dec 20th 2002
Nina is the principal dancer in Ultrablue Fashion Show video
Model Anette in Lisa Marie pantsuit, design by Niina and Kalerlvo Karlsson, photo by Jere Hietala.

Anette – Blueface – Aurora Borealis by Kalervo and Niina Karlsson, photo by Jere Hietala
Produced by RioVida Networks, LLC © All Rights Reserved 2009