“Republican Patriots: Where are you???”
Former CIA Director John Brennan’s tweet after watching Trump’s Helsinki news conference where Trump chose not to condemn Russia for it’s cyber operation to meddle in our elections, and chose instead to condemn the FBI for investigating it.
¡Hola, Mi Gente!
Well, America voted for a man who would shake things up. Mission accomplished!
Now seasoned veterans on both sides of the aisle seem equally enraged by his actions and words. We’ve known for some time now that the democrats have been short of spine, voice and message. Concurrently, the republicans have been scrambling to “explain” his words and actions and remained in lock step support with his actions and increasingly questionable policies. Party first, country second.
Where are the real patriots? Isn’t it time we all say enough is enough? Isn’t it time we all acknowledge he doesn’t really care about putting America first? He really only values himself. Even when confronted with undeniable evidence of Russian interference, he perceives only that it threatens the legitimacy of his own election win, despite the report saying there was insufficient evidence that the meddling affected the election outcome. There’s a big, black hole in him that he just can’t fill.
The world was replete with memes and cartoons that touched on the events of the last couple days. Pretty good ones, too! The one I posted here is comparatively tame and artful against so many of the angrier, bawdier ones that are so prevalent.
Through it all, I’ll keep pushing forward with my music, bringing what I hope is an uplifting, personal experience we can share together. I won’t be doing as many public shows the rest of this month, but I do have a great one happening this Saturday July 21st from 8-11pm at The Vine in Danville, when I’ll be playing with the great violinist Carlos Reyes. We don’t do this often at this venue, so don’t miss it! Details below.
There are a few more things happening, including my rare duet with Latin rock guitarist from Carlos Santana, Carlos Hernandez, making his debut at Havana in Walnut Creek on Friday July 27. Details below.
See you at the show!

Saturday July 21, Vine at Bridges, 480 Hartz Avenue, Danville, 8-11pm. The Rolando Morales Duet returns to this cool winery and nightspot. Enjoy a wonderful selection of wines, superb dinners and tapas while grooving to this powerful duet. This time Rolando welcomes the astounding Paraguayan violinist who plays with Arturo Sandoval and Steve Miller, Carlos Reyes; and on guitar, voice and his pedal board of magic, the passionate Rolando Morales. Together they’ll create an exciting and unique musical alchemy. Don’t miss it! www.thevineatbridges.com, (925) 820-7210.
Tuesday July 24, Maria, Maria Cantina, 1470 North Broadway, Walnut Creek, approx 6-9pm. Rolando returns to Carlos Santana’s Walnut Creek restaurant for Taco Tuesday. $1 tacos, baby! Enjoy Rolando on solo guitar and voice with his huge repertoire and big sound out on the front patio. He may be joined by a special musical guest. www.mariamariarestaurants.com

Friday July 27, Havana Cuban Cuisine, 1516 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek, approx 8:30-11pm. Rolando returns to this fine Cuban restaurant and live music venue. Tonight will feature the electric rock guitarist from Carlos Santana, the exciting Carlos Hernandez; and on guitar, vocals and his pedal board of magic, Rolando Morales. Together they’ll rock Havana through the night. www.havanarestaurant.net, (925) 939-4555.