RioVida Networks

RioVida Networks brings causes, celebrities, music, film makers, artist and corporations together for mutual benefit.

  • Buddy Craig Leaving in the Morning -2004 and this new gem by Martin Holland.

    Friday Night Live (Roseville Cable access TV) October 15th, 2004 featuring Buddy Craig, Sean Barfly, Bruce Spencer, and Marty Holland. Original music and words by Buddy Craig.

    This band is so “California” yu can go out into a little town and suddenly hear the most amazing music. These guys know their instruments. For instance, Martin Holland who is the bassist in this video.  He played with the industry-greats and he plays no matter what, since he is a true musician.   Check out this gem.

    It is from Martin Holldand with this quote to y’all:

    “The test subject for the next test subject. The wheels go round and round, as always! With LOVE and hamburgers to all my friends!”

    Learn more about Martin Holland by visiting:

  • Dance expresses culture in a non-verbal way. 2018 around the world.

    Dance in Spain 2018

    15 year old Puerto Rican dancer, Victoria Caban – USA 2018

    English Country Dance – USA 2012

  • Dance 2018 in Germany

    Bavarian Dance – Germany 2018

    Dancing in Berlin – Germany 2018


    Dance the Mussolini- Germany 2018


  • Dance is an amazing expression of current culture. US Dance Then and Now.

    Jive Dancing originated in the 1930s USA

    2018 The Paul Mitchell robotic dance

    Dance is a reflection of culture.  In the 1930s American were wild and free, the brought this dance to the Europe at the end of World War II.

    In 2018 dance moves have a lot of corners, stiffness and are very prescribed.  Here is a dance lesson of the contra dance that will come up in Pasadena this month.

    We seem to be moving forward and back ward in time,  both.   Interesting.