100 Year Celebration of the ACLU – now more important than ever.
“Jonah Melvon featuring Adesha”
March 28, 2019
Join us to celebrate Year 100 of the ACLU at Jack London Square this Saturday, March 30, 2019, at 3:30pm with a concert by Jonah Melvon featuring Adesha
March 29, 2019, Jack London Square, Oakland, CA, at 3:30 pm Jonah Melvon featuring Adesha will perform to celebrate the ACLU 100 Years celebration, which will go on the entire weekend. See entire line up here.
This weekend’s Bay Area Celebration is part of a national tour. https://www.aclu100.org/aclu-100-experience/ which was started at SXSW. With celebrations in Phoenix, and Los Angeles. The key focus this year is to encourage everyone to join the effort to remind US citizens and voters that “Voting is a Right, not Privilege.” The Gerry Mandering and Voter Suppression have affected the countries leadership in a way that the majority of the voters are not heard:
Voting rights have come under attack across the country. States have passed laws that have made it harder for people of color, the elderly, students, and people with disabilities to cast a ballot. Experience an interactive exhibit about the many barriers erected throughout American history to prevent people from voting.
Learn how you can help ensure that everyone has the ability to exercise their right to vote.
There are many other ways to give. You may designate your support for the ACLU of Northern California (not tax-deductible) or the ACLU Foundation of Northern California (tax-deductible):
- Honor a friend’s birthday, wedding, or graduation with a special gift
- Celebrate the life of a loved one with a memorial gift
- Make a gift of stock
- Leave a legacy. Make a planned gift to keep the ACLU strong after your lifetime.
If you are interested in making a gift to support LGB T rights by giving a gift to the FrontLine Fund, please contact us. For assistance, please contact the Development Department at giving@aclunc.org or (415) 621-2493.
Networks with Bay Area and California Non-Profits
We are honored to collaborate with these non profits that make positive changes happen:
- Ella Baker Center for HumanRights
- Heyday Books Initiate
- Justice League of Women Voters
- BOSS: helping the homeless, poor, and disabled people achieve health and self-sufficiency
- ACILEP network for immigrant rights
- Youth Speaks
- Oakland Public Library
- Secure Justice
- Design Action
- Planting Justice
- ARC: The Anti Recidivism Coalition
- TGI Justice Project for transgender freedom and survival
- ACCESS Women’s Health Justice
It takes a village to raise a child and a community to shape and strengthen a city. The Oakland, CA is known to have a population of which 38% hold secondary degrees. This is largely due to the effective education successes, strong family support, and a community that believes that everyone is created equally and should be treated as such under the law. Naturally, we need to reinforce these values on a daily basis to continue our history of civil rights successes.
Our History
The ACLU-NC was alone in standing with Fred Korematsu and against the forced detention of Japanese-Americans during WWII, in a case that went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. We dared to oppose obscenity laws in the prim 1950s, defending Lawrence Ferlinghetti for selling Howl, the groundbreaking book of poetry, in his San Francisco City Lights bookstore. In the years after 9/11, the ACLU pushed back on a wave of bigotry and fear mongering to protect the civil rights of Muslims and people of Middle Eastern and South Asian decent. In recent years, as discrimination has shifted to target Latinos and others perceived as “foreign,” the ACLU has stamped out anti-immigrant laws around the country and challenged unlawful policing in immigrant communities in California. We may be best known for litigation, but through our history the ACLU-NC has been powered by the passion of our activists. The organization was forged through the courage of trade workers and labor organizers in the 1930s. We aided the growing civil rights movements of the 1960s, providing legal protection to campaigns by African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans, as well as anti-war protestors and LGBT activists. Over the decades, battles have been fought and won by ACLU activists in fifteen chapters across Northern California and student groups on California’s university campuses, from the activists who launched the Free Speech Movement at UC Berkeley in 1964 to the UC Davis students who endured pepper spray while exercising their free speech rights in 2011.
The ACLU of Northern California is one of the largest ACLU affiliates in the nation with nearly 170,000 members. We have a critical role to play. We must use our decades of experience in impact litigation, legislative advocacy, and fearless organizing to fight these un-American policies and protect our most cherished rights and freedoms. We are the resistance. Join us.
Did you know that prisoners get paid only $1.45 per day to put their life on the one fighting fires?
Maybe they are in jail because they could not afford their bail, like wealthy citizens. Equity for all!About us and how to get in touch for further conversations, interviews, etc.:
The ACLU of Northern California is an enduring guardian of justice, fairness, equality, and freedom, working to protect and advance civil liberties for all Californians. To learn more about the ACLU in Northern California please contact Carmen King at 415.621.2493 | cking@aclunc.org
To learn more about Jonah Melvon and the Rainwater Project, please visit his website at https://www.jonahmelvon.com/
See you at the show! To set up an appointment or for request for additional materials with the label, college, get photos, video links, or more please text Edie Okamoto, Media Relations,
at 510-693-0166 or facebook or linked in.You may also mail a check to our office at:
ACLU Foundation of Northern California
Attn: Development Department
39 Drumm Street
San Francisco, CA 94111About the Rainwater Project
You can hear the music on Spotify or purchase them on Amazon.
Please join our list of sponsors who like you believe that education is the answer to a higher standard of living for all.
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“Michael Tchong’s Latest Book, “Ubertrends — How Trends And Innovation Are Transforming Our Future Released”
“Michael Tchong’s Latest Book, “Ubertrends — How Trends And Innovation Are Transforming Our Future Released”
Las Vegas, March 22, 2019 — Michael Tchong, a renowned speaker, trend forecaster, and startup entrepreneur launches his third book, entitled “Ubertrends — How Trends and Innovation Are Transforming Our Future.” “Ubertrends” tracks civilization’s leading edges that are vaulting us into a radically transformed future.
As author Michael Tchong explains in his book, “Ubertrends form in the eye of the storm. As the forces collide with the future, they shapeshift society. When channeled with innovations, Ubertrends unleash a torrent of tsunamis.”
Aimed at business executives, startup entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, financial analysts, as well as anyone who needs a stronger grasp on a developing future. Published by Ubercool Innovation, “Ubertrends” succinctly analyzes and illustrates some of the biggest waves cascading through society today.
It traces these Ubertrends back to seemingly inauspicious historical incidents that play a much better-understood role in the formation of today’s culture.
These waves are responsible for a host of effects rippling through society. Ubertrends is a well-illustrated compendium, featuring some 273 images, that will help readers connect the dots, providing more context to how the future is unfolding.
For example, did you know that our busy lifestyles are the result of an Ubertrend that has roots in developments that took place in Massachusetts in 1946?
This Ubertrend, Time Compression — The Acceleration of Life, is the hurricane force behind the success of both FedEx and Starbucks, while propelling a whole host of other trends, from energy drinks to yoga.
Unlike most trends, Ubertrends change population values, which contributes to permanently altered consumer behavior.
The eight Ubertrend and innovation forces are:
Casual Living — The Evaporation of Decorum
Digital Lifestyle — Marriage of Man and Machine
Generation X-tasy — Been There, Done That
Fountain of Youth — Rejuvenating Body, Spirit and Environment
Time Compression — The Acceleration of Life
Unwired — Untethered and Unfettered
Voyeurgasm — I Like to Watch
WAF — Ascent of Woman
Innovation — Reinventing Business and LifeUbertrends – How Trends And Innovation Are Transforming our Future by Michael Tchong now available. “We live in an age that requires constant innovation,” says Michael Tchong. So gaining tactical market insights is more critical than ever. To shed light on the forces driving disruption, readers are taken on a spellbinding, roller-coaster ride through the “landscape of now.” “Ubertrends” shows how a multiplicity of phenomena, primarily technology trends, is reshaping society in often remarkable ways.
Visit Ubertrends.com and download a free 20-page Ubertrends preview. Michael’s speaking site, MichaelTchong.com as well as his blog, Ubercool.com, are other resources for those interested in staying on top of current consumer and innovation trends.
About Ubercool Innovation
Ubercool Innovation LLC is a thought leader innovation incubator founded by author, entrepreneur, adjunct professor, motivational speaker and trend forecaster Michael Tchong. Ubercool Innovation is a “do tank” — it doesn’t merely talk innovation, it practices what it preaches. Michael addresses audiences globally with insights on emerging trends and innovations. He is a four-time entrepreneur and the founder of ICONOCAST, CyberAtlas, Atelier Systems and MacWEEK. For more information, call 800-WAY-COOL (international: 415-335-7615) or visit https://ubercool.com.