Category: Music
Rolando Newsletter
January 3, 2017
An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. ~Bill Vaughan
¡Feliz Año Nuevo, Mi Gente!
I have the impression a lot of us stayed up to ensure the old year left. We made it through a wild, tough year together. We said goodbye to too many beloved cultural icons; from Prince to Bowie to Ali and too many others, from early January to just a week ago, as well as to too many friends and family. We witnessed turmoil and political resistance in the streets and welcomed in a new American protectionist leadership who’s message is thinly veiled in racism. I lost my vision in my right eye and just recently gained most of it back. We’ll all need to keep two good eyes open on this new year! Let’s hope for the best, but speak out loudly when the time warrants.
I’m starting my first week of the year with three nice public appearances, all at locations I haven’t seen in a while. This Thursday Jan 5, I return to Piacere in downtown San Carlos from 8-11pm. We had a blast there closing out 2016 with many Peninsula friends I hadn’t seen in years. Lots of great energy, singing and dancing. Let’s keep the ball rolling and swing by! Details below.
Then on Friday January 6, after three months away, I finally return to Maria, Maria in Walnut Creek from approx 6-9pm. Time flies when you’re busy… Let’s reconnect! Details below.
And on Saturday January 7, after FOUR months away, I finally return to Maria, Maria in Danville, also approx 6-9pm. This is my shout-out to my Far East Bay friends. Swing by! Details below.
Remember too, to make your reservations for Saturday January 14, “An Evening with Rolando Morales and Carlos Reyes” at the Sausalito Seahorse with our World Class band. We’ll have my musical monsters ready to go: bassist David Belove; Latin percussionist/vocalist and Grammy winner Omar Ledezma; Brazilian drummer Celso Alberti; and of course Paraguayan harpist/violinist Carlos Reyes and Yours Truly on guitar, guitar synth and vocals. It’s next week, so make your reservations now. Details below.
Here’s the rest of your brand new January Calendar. See you at the show!
Thursday Jan 5, Piacere, 727 Laurel Street, San Carlos, CA 9070, 8-11pm. After almost 4 years away, Rolando finally returns for a set of appearances at this fine Peninsula restaurant that takes you on a culinary tour of Italy. Rolando will take you on a sensory tour of the Americas and beyond on solo guitar and voice. Come along for the ride., (650) 592-2040.
Friday Jan 6, Maria, Maria Cantina, 1470 North Broadway, Walnut Creek, approx 6-9pm. After almost 3 months away, Rolando finally returns to Carlos Santana’s Walnut Creek tavern to perform on solo guitar and voice in the Restaurant Room. Flautist Bob Harrison may sit in. Swing by and greet the New Year with old and new friends! (925) 820-2366,
Saturday Jan 7, Maria, Maria Cantina, 710 Camino Ramon Road, Danville CA, approx 6-9pm. After almost 4 months away, Rolando finally returns for a rare Saturday night at Carlos Santana’s elegant Danville location. Bring friends and let’s welcome the New Year together. Who knows when I’ll be back! (925) 820-2366,
Saturday Jan 14, “An Evening with Rolando Morales and Carlos Reyes,” Sausalito Seahorse, 305 Harbor Drive, Sausalito, approx 8:30-11:30pm. After months away, these two passionate musicians finally return to The Seahorse to put on their unique show at this fun waterfront restaurant and club. The great Paraguayan harpist/violinist Carlos Reyes and passionate guitarist/vocalist Rolando Morales will play a short set in duet to close out the dinner hour, followed by a concert and dancing to the World Class Rolando Morales Group featuring from the Pete Escovedo Orchestra, the rock-solid bassist David Belove; from Brazil, the amazing drummer from Airto and Steve Winwood, Celso Alberti; Grammy-winning Latin percussionist/vocalist Omar Ledezma; from Paraguay, the thrilling violinist and harpist from Arturo Sandoval and Steve Miller, Carlos Reyes; and the powerful Rolando Morales leading the journey on guitar, guitar synthesizer and vocals. Don’t miss it! $15. Make your reservations at (415) 331-2899.
Saturday Jan 21, Pairings Cellars, 310 Main Street, Pleasanton CA 94566, 8-11pm. Rolando returns to this new, exciting social hotspot in downtown Pleasanton. This new wine bar features fine wines, tapas and Rolando Morales performing his broad repertoire on solo guitar and voice. Free!, (925) 398-8846.
Thursday Jan 26, Piacere, 727 Laurel Street, San Carlos, CA 94070, 8-11 pm. Rolando returns to this fine Peninsula restaurant that takes you on a culinary tour of Italy. Rolando will take you on a sensory tour of the Americas and beyond on solo guitar and voice in the fun, lively bar area., (650) 592-2040.
Trump’s austerity programs starts with his musical artist line-up at the inauguration … and his Steve Mnuchin is sure to watch every 27 cents
Trump fan and cover song singer Beau Davidson agrees to entertain at Trump Inauguration Trump proves at inauguration that he is “one of the people.”
The International Business Times: “A bank established by President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for Treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin, once tried to foreclose on a 90-year-old Florida woman over a $0.27 payment mistake, reported Politico Thursday. Critics in the story allege that OneWest, founded by Mnuchin and partners, took advantage of the 2008 housing collapse by buying out risky loans from mortgage lender IndyMac and, in turn, getting help from Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to cover the costs.” (full article)
And now they report: “Democrats are focusing on Mnuchin’s tenure at OneWest, a bank he took over at the height of the financial crisis that has been dubbed a “foreclosure machine” that profited from the real estate collapse. The Wall Street Journal said no Republicans have expressed any opposition to Mnuchin, who likely will be vetted by the Senate Finance Committee. Bloomberg reported Mnuchin, 53, already has met with Republican Sens. Orrin Hatch of Utah and Chuck Grassley of Iowa.”
Clearly this proves that Mnuchin is the best possible person to “Make America Great Again.” Those old ladies don’t need their homes and the value their husbands created while the husbands were still alive can “trickle down” much easier when the Banks repossess the properties, instead of allowing the survivors to remain in her home until their deaths. Sure she could have gifted the property to her 40 something year-old grandchildren, who may be able to pay off some of their student loans. Anyway, a Bankers’ job is to keep as much money as they can and Mnuchin is so worthy of being admired for his “sticky fingers.” He took a 27 cents error and gained all the equity for the bank from that 97 year old lady’s home. What astounding commitment to business!
Trump is also proving that he is sincere about saving money, by hiring the lounge lizard Beau Davidson, who already has enchanted him at his private estate in Mar-a-Lago, a twenty acre membership club that offers dining, bridge, croquet, tennis, spa and entertainment shows. If Beau, who looks a little like a man who previously worked for the Chippendales in LA, is good enough for the millionaires and billionaires at Mar-a-Lago, he is good enough for Trump’s inauguration party. A Choir from Utah will sing as well to bring a type of Christian atmosphere to the celebrations. They will probably do it for (their) god, so it is in the budget. Surely the Trump children will be there but they will not set up meetings about gaining access. Just like they will do in their non-profit set up for the very purpose they will request that the donors provide proof of funds prior to having a lunch with them where they will hear them out about their concern that they hope their daddy can help them with. They are absolutely aware of the need to keep up appearances.
Obama meanwhile recently had his last extravaganza at the White House in October 2016. It was quite amazing and “élite.” Here you can watch it for yourselves, it was awesome, and the line up shows that Obama has a lot of amazing friends, it was all “Love and Happiness” there.
Trump signals with his celebration that times, are going to focus on the “economy” – kicking out 97 year old ladies from their homes for $0.27 errors in their checks. Trump has drained the swamp and has installed his oligarch friends at every corner. Judging by the celebratory tone of McConnell who forbade the voters to find out about the Russian hacking before the election, Times they are A’Changing. So go home and hug your family and know that you best enjoy your life right now. Happy Holidays and we’ll see you at the other side.