I completed an exhausting but satisfying week of public and private events, including an all day wedding in the Oakland Hills Saturday (with a lot of stairs!), the last part done with my talented friend Sonya Jason on sax. It’s been a great feeling making deep musical connections with new multi-ethnic audiences from around the world. Lots of love, happiness and new friends.
Speaking of friends, my lovely friend Chenda Chhi, who is a survivor of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, has created a wonderful organization, The Coral Tree Foundation, which aims to help the Cambodian children, descendants of the Killing Fields, to overcome poverty and receive an education. Tomorrow, Wednesday August 22nd from 6-9pm in Menlo Park, they’re throwing a Cambodian Food & Fine Wine Tasting event. I encourage you to look into this. It’s a worthy cause and a heart-warming opportunity to do something good for the world while having a great time doing it.
I am unable to make it, but I arranged for my former partner of Passion & Grace,guitarist-vocalist-song writer Carlos Godinez, to perform a set for the event. You’ll meet wonderful people, enjoy expertly poured libations by a gorgeous, talented bar tender, enjoy Cambodian food, bid for exotic and wonderful goods and services and hear Carlos’ great music. I wish I could go!!! All the details are below. If you can’t make it, feel free to make a donation. http://www.coraltreeeducation.org/upcoming-events/.
I’ll mostly be doing private events this week except for this Saturday night, August 25th when I return for only the 2nd time in about 1½ years to Piacere in San Carlos on solo guitar and voice. Spread the word and lets have some fun in the bar! Details below
And remember, on Saturday September 1st, I’ll be returning to the Marriott Walnut Creek Lobby Lounge and Bar for the last time of this year! I told you before, scheduling this one has been a challenge. I greatly enjoyed my debut here a couple weeks ago. It was a great room with great people! The acoustics enhanced my rich, full tone to an attentive audience and together we transformed the room into a little concert hall with guests from all around the world. This will be the last one I’m doing this year,so please put it in your book and don’t miss it. Spread the word.
See you at the show!
Carlos Godinez will play at the Cambodian Food & Wine Tasting Event in Menlo Park Wednesday August 22nd
Wednesday Aug 22, Cambodian Food & Fine Wine Tasting Event for the Coral Tree Education Foundation, event at BootUp World, 68 Willow Road, Menlo Park, 94025, event 6-9pm, music about 6:15-7:30. Rolando Morales lends a hand to this magnificent organization founded by his friend, a Khmer Rouge genocide survivor. They aim to educate a new generation of young Cambodians to fight poverty, help rebuild their country and contribute to the world to maintain peace and prosperity for all. 100% of proceeds raised go to support the work of Coral Tree Education Foundation. Rolando has arranged for his former musical partner from Passion & Grace, fine guitarist, vocalist and song writer Carlos Godinez to perform a set for the event. (Rolando will not be performing.) Fine wines, Cambodian food, auctions and great people! Don’t miss it! Info, tickets, donate at http://www.coraltreeeducation.org/upcoming-events/
Saturday August 25, Piacere, 727 Laurel Street, San Carlos, CA 94070, approx 8:30-11:30 pm. Rolando finally returns for only the 2nd time in 1½ years to this fine Peninsula restaurant that takes you on a culinary tour of Italy. Rolando will take you on a sensory tour of the Americas and beyond on solo guitar and voice in the fun, lively bar area. www.piacererestaurant.com, (650) 592-2040.
Friday Aug 31, Havana Cuban Cuisine, 1516 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek, approx 8:30-11pm. Rolando returns to this fine Cuban restaurant and live music venue. Tonight, making his debut at this venue will be the remarkable Grammy-winning Latin percussionist-vocalist from Venezuela, Omar Ledezma, from the Pacific Mambo Orchestra; and on guitar, voice and his pedal board of magic, Rolando Morales. Together they create fire . Don’t miss it! www.havanarestaurant.net, (925) 939-4555.
And don’t forget to join Rolando for his last appearance of the year at the Walnut Creek Marriott, Lobby Lounge & Bar on Saturday September 1st, 6-9pm, solo guitar and voice, 2355 North Main Street in Walnut Creek
If you would like to order a CD, read on. If you’d like to order our CD “Rolando Y Qué?!”, you can pick it up at my website, the gigs or by mail. They’re $15.00 at the gigs, or $17.00 by mail to cover postage and handling. TO ORDER THE NEWEST CD “ROLANDO, Y QUÉ?!” by mail: Send a check or money order payable to Rolando Morales for $17.00 for the CD and postage to Rolando Morales, 9028 Burr Street, Oakland, CA 94605. and I’ll send it to you. Let me know if you’d like .it signed.
TO ORDER THE ORIGINAL “PASSPORT: 10th ANNIVERSARY EDITION” CD by mail, send $17.00 to the same address as above. Be sure to include your return address.
All other shows are private. Why not hire Rolando for your own private event? He’s available for corporate shows, weddings, parties, concerts and festivals. The Rolando Morales group is available as sextet, quintet, quartet, trio and duo depending on your entertainment needs and budget.
This email was sent to you for Rolando Morales: RMG, 9028 Burr Street, Oakland, CA 94605
Former CIA Director John Brennan’s tweet after watching Trump’s Helsinki news conference where Trump chose not to condemn Russia for it’s cyber operation to meddle in our elections, and chose instead to condemn the FBI for investigating it.
¡Hola, Mi Gente!
Well, America voted for a man who would shake things up. Mission accomplished!
Now seasoned veterans on both sides of the aisle seem equally enraged by his actions and words. We’ve known for some time now that the democrats have been short of spine, voice and message. Concurrently, the republicans have been scrambling to “explain” his words and actions and remained in lock step support with his actions and increasingly questionable policies. Party first, country second.
Where are the real patriots? Isn’t it time we all say enough is enough? Isn’t it time we all acknowledge he doesn’t really care about putting America first? He really only values himself. Even when confronted with undeniable evidence of Russian interference, he perceives only that it threatens the legitimacy of his own election win, despite the report saying there was insufficient evidence that the meddling affected the election outcome. There’s a big, black hole in him that he just can’t fill.
The world was replete with memes and cartoons that touched on the events of the last couple days. Pretty good ones, too! The one I posted here is comparatively tame and artful against so many of the angrier, bawdier ones that are so prevalent.
Through it all, I’ll keep pushing forward with my music, bringing what I hope is an uplifting, personal experience we can share together. I won’t be doing as many public shows the rest of this month, but I do have a great one happening this Saturday July 21st from 8-11pm at The Vine in Danville, when I’ll be playing with the great violinist Carlos Reyes. We don’t do this often at this venue, so don’t miss it! Details below.
There are a few more things happening, including my rare duet with Latin rock guitarist from Carlos Santana, Carlos Hernandez, making his debut at Havana in Walnut Creek on Friday July 27. Details below.
See you at the show!
Carlos Reyes joins Rolando Morales at the Vine at Bridges, July 21 2018
Saturday July 21, Vine at Bridges, 480 Hartz Avenue, Danville, 8-11pm.The Rolando Morales Duet returns to this cool winery and nightspot. Enjoy a wonderful selection of wines, superb dinners and tapas while grooving to this powerful duet. This time Rolando welcomes the astounding Paraguayan violinist who plays with Arturo Sandoval and Steve Miller,Carlos Reyes; and on guitar, voice and his pedal board of magic, the passionate Rolando Morales. Together they’ll create an exciting and unique musical alchemy. Don’t miss it! www.thevineatbridges.com, (925) 820-7210.
Tuesday July 24, Maria, Maria Cantina,1470 North Broadway, Walnut Creek, approx 6-9pm.Rolando returns to Carlos Santana’s Walnut Creek restaurant for Taco Tuesday. $1 tacos, baby! Enjoy Rolando on solo guitar and voice with his huge repertoire and big sound out on the front patio. He may be joined by a special musical guest. www.mariamariarestaurants.com, (925) 946-1010.
Rolando Morales- Carlos Hernandez joins Rolando Morales -July 2018
Friday July 27, Havana Cuban Cuisine,1516 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek, approx 8:30-11pm.Rolando returns to this fine Cuban restaurant and live music venue. Tonight will feature the electric rock guitarist from Carlos Santana, the exciting Carlos Hernandez; and on guitar, vocals and his pedal board of magic, Rolando Morales. Together they’ll rock Havana through the night. www.havanarestaurant.net, (925) 939-4555.
Janice Maxine-Reid joins Rolando Morales at Havana, Walnut Creek Friday
¡Hola, Mi Gente!
What a whirlwind of a week!
After doing my last gigs of June, I flew down to So Cal for a few days to see my mom and visiting brother and family from Michigan. There I closed some last-minute gig offers.
Last Thursday I flew back in time for The Vine. The following morning I said goodbye to my friend at her funeral who I wrote you about last week. It was a beautiful, heart-felt service.
From there, I went to the Mission in San Francisco to play with old and new friends at Cafe La Taza. It was a wild scene and our quartet blew the walls out of the packed house. They were watching from the sidewalk through the windows because they couldn’t get in.
Then on Saturday I learned of more life-threatening issues impacting more close family in Southern Cal. Then that night I kicked it strong with saxophonist Sonya Jason at Havana. By the end of that day, I was emotionally drained.
Sunday I slept. I could finally go to the store and then did a challenging, healing hike at Lake Chabot, where I confirmed yet another last-minute gig.
And that one is today, Monday. I’m off to play with Carlos Reyes and the band for a great private concert in Moraga.
And two more last-minute shows happen on Tuesday July 10 at Maria, Maria in Walnut Creek, and then my surprise return to Piacere in San Carlos on Thursday July 12. All the details are below in the Calendar.
And remember I’m finally reuniting with the amazing keyboardist-vocalist Janice Maxie-Reid who makes her debut on Saturday July 13 at Havana in Walnut Creek as I continue my new duet series at that venue. All details below.
Plenty more coming up in the month including a duet appearance featuring the great violinist Carlos Reyes at The Vine at Bridges on Saturday July 21 from 8-11pm in Danville. Details below.
Please join me as we continue to celebrate our journey together.
Tuesday July 10, Maria, Maria Cantina, 1470 North Broadway, Walnut Creek, approx 6-9pm. After over a year, Rolando finally returns to Carlos Santana’s Walnut Creek restaurant for Taco Tuesday. $1 tacos, baby! Enjoy Rolando on solo guitar and voice with his huge repertoire and big sound out on the front patio. He may be joined by a special musical guest. www.mariamariarestaurants.com, (925) 946-1010.
Thursday July 12, Piacere, 727 Laurel Street, San Carlos, CA 94070, 8-11 pm. After more than 1½ years away, Rolando finally returns to this fine Peninsula restaurant that takes you on a culinary tour of Italy. Rolando will take you on a sensory tour of the Americas and beyond on solo guitar and voice in the fun, lively bar area. www.piacererestaurant.com, (650) 592-2040.
Friday July 13, Havana Cuban Cuisine, 1516 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek, approx 8:30-11pm. Rolando returns to this fine Cuban restaurant and live music venue. Tonight will feature the delightful keyboardist and chanteuse Janice Maxie-Reid, who has shared the stage with Sting and Stevie Wonder; and on guitar, voice and his pedal board of magic, Rolando Morales. Together they create irresistible blends of Latin, classic R&B and soulful jazz for the first time at this venue. Don’t miss it! www.havanarestaurant.net, (925) 939-4555.
Carlos Reyes joins Rolando Morales at the Vine at Bridges, July 21 2018
Saturday July 21, Vine at Bridges, 480 Hartz Avenue, Danville, 8-11pm. The Rolando Morales Duet returns to this cool winery and nightspot. Enjoy a wonderful selection of wines, superb dinners and tapas while grooving to this powerful duet. This time Rolando welcomes the astounding Paraguayan violinist who plays with Arturo Sandoval and Steve Miller, Carlos Reyes; and on guitar, voice and his pedal board of magic, the passionate Rolando Morales. Together they’ll create an exciting and unique musical alchemy. Don’t miss it! www.thevineatbridges.com, (925) 820-7210.
Rolando Morales with fans by the hot fire at Maria, Maria
Tuesday July 24, Maria, Maria Cantina, 1470 North Broadway, Walnut Creek, approx 6-9pm. Rolando returns to Carlos Santana’s Walnut Creek restaurant for Taco Tuesday. $1 tacos, baby! Enjoy Rolando on solo guitar and voice with his huge repertoire and big sound out on the front patio. He may be joined by a special musical guest. www.mariamariarestaurants.com, (925) 946-1010.
Friday July 27, Havana Cuban Cuisine, 1516 Bonanza St., Walnut Creek, approx 8:30-11pm. Rolando returns to this fine Cuban restaurant and live music venue. Tonight will feature the electric rock guitarist from Carlos Santana, the exciting Carlos Hernandez; and on guitar, vocals and his pedal board of magic, Rolando Morales. Together they’ll rock Havana through the night. www.havanarestaurant.net, (925) 939-4555.
Brandi Carlile has a most amazing voice with perfect elocution. Her voice is beautiful and haunting. It stays with you after you heard it. A bit of a siren call like Joan Baez. You can’t unhear their voices. Once you did you know that voice.
Another way that Brandi is impactful like Joan Baez use to be is that she sings ballads that actually talk about things that we care about. Feelings and issues. Relationships gone wrong and the feelings we may experience as we work them out.
When you are depressed, get help. People care! Many more people than you may realize, care about you. (Official version… click on photo to play)
“By the way, I forgive you.” is related to a friend of Brandi’s who committed suicide when they were in High School. “Hold out your hand” is about gun violence. Brandi supports the effort by Seattle school children who don’t want to get shot. The students behind “March For Our Lives” in Seattle made a video and Brandi decided to support their effort with her song “Hold out your Hand.”
On facebook Brandi exclaims:
“These young people are asking for a change – are you listening?
Responsible gun laws are on a spectrum and as much as we’d like it to be, it isn’t black and white. Some of these kids hunt with their parents, some of them are enlisting into service and will carry a weapon in defense of your way of life. Don’t make the mistake of broad brushing what they’re asking for.
We can’t allow ourselves to be divided and conquered any longer by organizations that profit from our division. There can be and there IS a way that we can create change from the center of the debate.”
A singer songwriter activist who is also amazingly talented like Brandi, doesn’t come along very often. Let’s support her by purchasing her new album.
Or, even better go see her live. It surely will be an experience that stays with you. You can catch her at the Mondavi Winery in Napa, CA on July 14th, and at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga, CA on August 22nd, 2018. She is actively touring the entire country. Check her website for dates near you.
You may also enjoy her YouTube channel. Or say hello to her on facebook.