Category: Films

Great Movies and TV shows

  • Faye Carol is a Star. She has amazing range, knowledge and grace.

    Faye Carol, photo by Jim Dennis
    Faye Carol, photo by Jim Dennis

    Faye Carol is one of the most amazing ladies you will ever meet.  She is grace personified.  She electrifies the room with her presence.  When she walks into a place you feel that you are in the presence of greatness.  She is quiet and humble yet, she has an amazing way to uplift people’s spirit.  Soul music in the Bay Area would not be the same without her.

    Tomorrow, Thursday  October 11, 2018,  she will be performing in Mill Valley at the Mill Valley film festival.  This is a “can’t miss event”.  Although you may want to check to make sure you still can get tickets.  She will be performing at the Sweet Water Music Hall.

    Another way to experience her is to take her 4 week music lesson.  They are a Bay Area treat not just for people who want to learn how to perform in front of crowds, but also for those who want to sound great at a wedding, bar mitzvah, or at the next family gathering.   It is also wonderful for people who enjoy learning about music.  Ms. Faye Carol has encyclopedic knowledge about American music. She leads with grace, knowledge and soul.

    Fun Fact: March 13, 2018 was declared “Faye Carol Day” by the city of Berkeley.

    Faye Carol & Her Quartet – Willow Weep For Me

    Faye Carol teachers music with love, grace and knowledge
    Faye Carol teachers music with love, grace and knowledge

    Do yourself a favor and find a way to meet, hear and experience this “Living Legend.”  You will be glad you did.  To learn more visit her websites at:

  • Beverly Reiser creates new art collection: Contemplative Reflections

    Beverly Reiser - On and On the tears must fall
    Beverly Reiser – On and On the tears must fall

    Beverly Reiser has been a prolific artist who has been exhibited all around the world.  For the past year she has started in a a new medium, pastels. We hope you enjoy her latest collection.

    interactive multimedia installations using sound, video, and computer graphics:


    Vital Journey / Virtual Heart: a walk-in interactive multimedia installation for Exploration Place, a children’s science museum in Kansas, which takes children on a virtual journey through the human circulatory system, lungs and brain. Visitors complete the oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange using life-size video capture and interactive game technology. In collaboration with Gyroscope, Inc., and Vivid Group opened in April, 2000



    private_loves/public_opera: A walk-in video “garden” with website which collects love stories, allows you to add your own love story. The web site is at, San Francisco, Art Institute, Walter McBean Gallery, San Francisco, CA Dec.- Jan. 1996-1997, a collaboration with Barbara Lee


    Que Viva Tu Recuerdo: Altars And Offerings for the Days of the Dead

    An altar/ installation dedicated to the memory of Remedios Varo, Oakland Museum, CA, Oct. -Nov 1995, a collaboration with Lucia Grossburger Morales


    Under the name of LIFE ON A SLICE:

    ( These are collaborations with Hans Reiser, Bill Fleming and Kimberley Edwards.)




    Come, Human, spin in my Web! – A ride thru an A.I.’s persona

    An A.I. sends an invitation out to Humans to visit the “web”. If they take up the invite, they adventure into either the “Cerebral Cathedral” or the ” Feral Forest”. Eventually they arrive at one of four possible endings having altered their own “data structure” or the environment.


    Temple of the Goddesses – A virtual sacred space.

    As the visitor moves thru the shrine complex they are engaged in various episodes (depending on the visitors response ) by goddesses Venus, Nemesis, the Psychedelic Cyber Pagan, etc. There are four possible endings with numerous episodes along the way.


    The Phosphorescent Samurai and the Geisha Snail A surrealistic fable

    Two inter-species mutants start on their ‘hero’s journey’ and, depending on choices made by the viewer along the way, are transformed accordingly. There is a final revelation unique to each of the eight possible endings.

    HEART THEATER, Exploration Place, Wichita, Kansas opens April, 2000

    PRIVATE_LOVES / PUBLIC_OPERA, San Francisco Art Institute, Walter McBean Gallery, San Francisco, CA

    Dec.- Jan. 1996-1997


    INTEGRATED HEMISPERES: Woman/Art /Technology, Blasthaus, San Francisco, CA, May – June 1996

    BURNING MAN FESTIVAL, South of Market Arts Center, San Francisco, Aug. 1995, 1996, 1998

    INTERACTIVE COMMUNITIES, SIGGRAPH 95 Conference , Los Angeles, 1995

    JUPITER AND THE COMETS, a program/event produced by the

    Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astophysics, 1994

    THE UBIQUITOUS ART ZONE, the ACM’s Multimedia ’94 Conference, San Francisco, Ca, USA, Oct. 1994

    PLEASE TOUCH ! , VIDEO SCULPTURE, Regional Center for the Arts,

    Bedford Gallery, Walnut Creek, CA, Jan, 1994

    THE INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE, INTERACT ’93, conference of ACM’s SIG Computer Human Interface and INTERACT ( European ), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1993

    LIFE ON A SLICE, tour of German University Art galleries, Feb.-May, 1992

    SIGGRAPH ART SHOW ’92, Chicago, July, 1992



    INTERACTIVE ART, Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics, NASA, U.C. Berkeley

    AMERICAN LIGHT ART, Takashimaya, Tokyo, Japan, 1989-90

    NEO-NEON, One Market Plaza, Art Programs Inc., San Francisco, 1987

    EXPANDED VISION: NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN ART, Jack Gallery, New York City, 1985

    interviews, articles, & books:

    Art & Technology at the Mining Co. web site, featured artist in Mindscapes on 11/06/97

    LEONARDO, ( the cover of) Journal of the International Society for Arts Sciences and Technology, MIT Press, Vol. 29 #1, 1996

    Microsoft’s magazine, feature: Art on the Internet: Rare Birds in Cyberspace, by Dominic Gates,, Feb. 26,1997

    INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF ELECTRONIC ARTS ’96, CD ROM produced & distributed by MultiArtDisc, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 1996

    ARTWEEK, article on art & technology by Barbara Fisher, Jan., 1996

     SIGGRAPH ’95 MULTIMEDIA CD-ROM, a publication of the ACM ‘s SIGGRAPH, 1995

    COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS , Pergamom Press , and the IEEE’s COMPUTER GRAPHICS ,Special supplement joint issue edited by Carl Machover, “Aesthetic Considerations Unique to Interactive Multimedia” , May,1995

    NEW SCIENTIST, “Netropolis”, “An Elephant Dancing” by Claire Neesham, April,1994

    ARTISTS DATABASE CD-ROM , Project Intercommunication Center, Tokyo, 1993,1994,

    ART IN THE ELECTRONIC AGE, by Frank Popper, pub. by Harry N. Abrams,1992, Paris, France

    LEONARDO, Journal of the International Society for Arts Sciences and Technology,

    San Francisco, CA, Jan, 1994

    TECH-NATION, interview by Dr. Moira Gunn , National Public Radio, Aug, 1993

    GD3D, GRAPHIC DESIGN IN THE THIRD DIMENSION, Ken & Leigh Cato, published by Graphic Sha, Tokyo, 1992


    LET THERE BE NEON !, Vol. II, by Rudi Stern, NY,NY, 1991

    CONTEMPORARY NEON, by Rudi Stern, NY, NY, 1992

    NEW YORK TIMES, Business Section 3, The New Hollywood, Sept. 1991

    COMPUTER GRAPHICS, Magazine of the I.E.E.E., Art in Virtual Reality, May, 1992

    CYBER ARTS, published by Harper- Freeman, ed. by Linda Jacobson, Summer ,1992

    offices & awards:

    President of Ylem/ Artists Using Science And Technology , PO box 749, Orinda, CA, 94563, 1985-1999

    Advisory Board, International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology, San Francisco, CA, 1989-2000

    Currently Chair of the Advisory Board

    MicroTimes Magazine on it’s “MicroTimes 100”, their list of 100 people who’ve had a significant influence

    on the computer industry, Dec., 1995

    designer / co-founder / director (until 1999)

    Ylem’s Art on the Edge, an art gallery on the world wide web:

    External Advisory Panel member to Xerox PARC Artist-in Residence Program, 1993

    Honorary Distinction in Interactive Art, PRIX ARS ELECTRONICA, Linz, Austria, 1992

  • Epictetus, still the best 2000 year old wisdoms to live by

    Epictetus - Stoic Philosophies to live by
    Epictetus – Stoic Philosophies to live by

    Epictetus was one of the most revered Stoic Philosophers.  He lived 55AD and was born a slave.  It is said that his owner/master liked him very much and enjoyed his intelligence.  He allowed him to be educated alongside his own children and eventually set him free.  Epictetus started his own school in a part of Greece that today belongs to Turkey.  Even though he is known as one of the top Stoic Philosophers, he actually was exclusively interested in ethics. The most renowned books, Discourses and the Handbook concentrate almost exclusively on ethics. His philosophy is as true today as it was then.  Happiness can be increased if we expect less and look at reality for what it is.  Then we can frame it in a way that is neutral, rather than taking everything so personally.  For the most part life’s situations are rather happenstance instead of created and directed to disturb us. Dealing with it in a calm and joyful way, that is our choice.

    Sharon Lebell wrote a contemporary version of his teachings in “The Art of Living.”   Check our her book.  If your keenly interested in Philosophy you may enjoy learning about him here.    Here is a quick taste of his teaching.  Enjoy.