Category: Education

  • Fact based Information is a thing of the past: Misinformation is protected by conservative Supreme Court

    Lines are 20 feel long for free food in San Francisco, May 2018
    Lines are 20 feel long for free food in San Francisco, May 2018

    Children who are pregnant because they were molested and raped; young teenage mothers who are not equipped to raise a child – since clearly they are too young to take responsibility for themselves; impoverished mothers who have a hard time raising the kids they already have; they all no longer have a right to fact-based information.

    The conservative leaning Supreme Court ruled that withholding information about options available to people who really may benefit from an array of information will now be misled, misinformed – legally.  There are a lot of women who are not equipped to be a parent they need options with help, not judgment and misinformation.

    Brave New World: 2018 US Supreme Court decided it is okay to mislead pregnant girls and women base on "religious" grounds.
    Brave New World: 2018 US Supreme Court decided it is okay to mislead pregnant girls and women base on “religious” grounds.

    The youngest person on record giving birth after being raped was Linda Medina who gave birth at six years and five months. It is not unusual for 11 to 12 year old girls to ovulate.  If they are raped or their sexual explorations end up in pregnancy they are faced with a very challenging life.

    Now in 2018 the Supreme Court decided that religious extremists have the right to mislead and misinform and lie to women who really need information more than anyone else.  If they were informed they would not be in the plight they find themselves in.  They would not seek help from religious extremists who want to impose their apocalyptic views onto any miserable person that falls into their clutches.

    Already without this debacle 1 in 4 women will go on a welfare benefit program within 3 years of their child being born.  Who will care for unwanted children who are a result of misinformation?  It is clear the Supreme Court doesn’t care nor is that in their job description.  Religious extremists want to abolish insurance, privatize welfare and they want to  mislead people who are ill equipped to be parents to have children.  60% of unwed mothers live in poverty.

    14 Million children in the US go hungry every night.  There is no care for that clearly.  The religious extremists voted for a philandering president who had sex with porn stars.  Michael Cohen handled his behavioral issues of the president and  those of his  friends.   Mistresses were paid hush money and to have abortions.

    The religious extremists clearly don’t have any consistent value system.  They want to control and impose their will on the victims who need help more than anyone. No one is more vulnerable than a pregnant girl or women  recovering from rape or sexual molestation, or even just a mistake.

    The president is  friends, with Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted child molester who was convicted for soliciting underage girls for prostitution. Religious extremists voted in a friend of a convicted child molester and human trafficker.  They  mislead people just as their chosen leader enjoys to do. Important information about options are withheld.  The centers lie to and mislead victims.  It’s official:

    The use of the freedom of speech laws is now used to protect liars. This is yet another low for the US.  This is a country of laws, and now:

    Misinformation is now officially legal in the US. 

    National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra, No. 16-1140 has been decided. The conservative Supreme Court voted for misinformation and is against California’s State Rights to handle their own affairs.


  • Trade Wars: What will the multi-billion dollar trade wars accomplish for the US?

    Trump Supporters are exhilarated about their US created global trade wars 

    Trump supporters approve of the US presidents actions, words and attitude at historic levels. 90% approve of everything Trump does or says, not everyone agrees.  Yet, many wonder whether the GOP actually is following a plan:

    “Yes, they have a plan. No, I don’t think it will work,” said Bill Reinsch, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “The plan is always push harder, demand everything and offer nothing.”  Source:  South China Morning Post

    European’s, especially Merkel, are frightened by the changes imposed on the EU. The situation depends on the individual global companies business strategies.  Many European and Asian companies are baffled by Trump’s strategy.  For many decades they have listened to many US presidents and their “Partners in Leadership” promises and in the spirit of collaboration have created hundreds and thousands of jobs for Americans in the US.

    Das Handelblatt’s, Lukas Bay, reports: “The US president has threatened European automakers such as VW, BMW and Daimler with a levy. He’s forgetting that the Germans have huge plants in the US.  At the time, he warned that BMW and other carmakers could face a 35 percent import duty for cars not built in the United States. He targeted BMW because it is building a new plant in Mexico. Trump doesn’t seem to realize that the BMW plan in Mexico is there to meet rising demands for cars in Latin America.” BMW actually exports cars made in the US by American workers.   Source:  Das Handelsblatt

    Der Spiegel reports:  “Executives at Siemens, the global engineering giant, are still relatively relaxed at company headquarters in Munich. Siemens operates its own plants in the U.S. for products with high steel or aluminum content like trains, gas turbines and ultrasound equipment. In theory, at least, its subsidiaries could buy raw materials or semi-finished products locally to circumvent the punitive tariffs. But that does not apply to special alloys that are not produced in the U.S. They would have to be imported from Germany and would be slapped with the additional tariffs.  The biggest concern is not the impact the trade tariff’s have on the US – German trade – it is only 4% for many companies so they can withstand that comfortably.

    The bigger issue that companies and countries are grappling with is cheap steel that is now diverted from Russia, India and Turkey.  Since these companies were not given a temporary exemption they have dumped their inferior products in the EU for super low prices.  The EU is more worried about the effect these inferior steel will have on the EU brand around the globe as cheap inferior products are making it on the market.  It will not affect the US either in trade nor in taxes.

    In Germany for instance 95% of all wealth is created by small and midsize firms. This is the reason why Germany is thriving and able to withstand economic upheaval.  Germany has a very strong middle class that has been growing jobs.  In the US the Middle Class has been eroded by corporate welfare laws that favor large global conglomerates.

  • How to teach your child the confidence of a peak performer.

    We all want the best for our kids Photo Credit: Creative Commons
    We all want the best for our kids.   Photo Credit:  Creative Commons

    Our job as parents is to prep our kids to live happy and successful lives.  We want them to succeed to allow them to enjoy a life without financial stress. We want them to find love to allow them to have healthy and fulfilling  relationships.  We want them to feel confident and able to achieve their very own dreams.   So how can we protect the kids, while prepping them to become peak performers?

    Step 1 –  Build up their confidence.

    One way to build confidence in our children. When children feel loved, heard, and held in esteem they feel confident that they matter.  The  child eventually knows that she is important to us. This also means parents have to avoid any prolonged absences.  Small children don’t understand why the parents are not there, even if it feels unavoidable to the parent.  The child needs to know that it can reach us and count on us to be there for them.   We want the children to know they are important to us. We also teach the child that we are in charge of our own life. We have the freedom to set priorities.  We choose to be there for the child.  The child learns by observing.  If we are there for them, they will  feel that it is natural to care for themselves and to care about themselves.  They learn to trust not only the parents but also themselves.

    Photo by Caleb Mullin via Unsplash.
    Photo by Caleb Mullin via Unsplash.
    Step 2 – Honesty is important for realistic self assessment and leads to follow through.

    Life has challenges and it has ups and downs.  When we are honest with our children they don’t always like it.  Yet, this is how they  learn that sometimes the truth is difficult.  They also learn to trust us, when we give them genuine compliments. Genuine compliments are worth so much more than indiscriminate praise.  The child learns that honesty is ok.  If we tell them they didn’t seem to have given their personal best, they learn they could try harder and get better.  Then when they do well after they really practiced and succeeded, the praise feels wonderful.  Additionally, if they try something that isn’t realistic, you can plan with them what they may wish to  do instead, or what they may have to do to carry out the desired task. They learn to research, analyze and make plans. The also learn that plans without action will not yield results.  Honest with children leads to self honesty by children, which helps them to keep a clear mind rooted in reality.

    Step 3 – Responsibility helps us feel in charge of our own destiny

    When we take responsibility for our own actions we model behavior to our children. The sooner we teach kids that they are responsible for their own actions and words, the sooner they will feel in charge of their own life.  They learn while they cannot influence everything that happens around them, they are in charge of how they react to the circumstances.  They are in charge of how they act, speak, follow through, commit themselves and equally important take care of their health, both mentally and physically. By taking responsibility they will learn fast that they have choices in life.  They are free to choose how they want to live their life.  Do they want to study and get good grades, do they diligently practice their work outs.  Naturally as they responsibly work on improving themselves they perform better and better. The children feel in charge because they learned they are responsible for their own actions and words.

    Peak Performance is a result of hard work, a good attitude, and the willingness to do what it takes.  We can start our support for children by providing them with the basis of success. We let them know they are important, valued and adored by us.  We are available when they need us. - smartwatches for kids – Hawkeye Smartwatches for kids

    In the digital age, this means we are there to guide and coach them.   One valuable tool is a Hawkeye Smartwatch which is designed for 3 to 7-year-old kids.  The Vigilint Parental Assistant app provides the function to check their child’s friends. Parents can talk or text (emojis) allowing to share in their life. The app has a listening function and an SOS button.  This allows parents to coach the children and advise them when the child needs help dealing with other kids. A parent can share responsibility with three other trusted adults and link up to 8 people into a phone tree of trusted care takers.  Additionally the child can have up to 20 friends in their phone.  The Hawkeye Smartwatch has a roll over function which can be set to call the father if the mother is not available. It  rolls over to the babysitter, aunt or the child’s friends parent.    Being there for our kids matters and it is the foundation to a successful life.


  • What you want to know before you buy a Smartwatch

    Smart watches for Kids from
    Smart watches for Kids from

    Wearable technology offers a wide array of choices. Keeping track of the options is a daunting task.  Here are some quick tips.

    Does it work with your smart phone?  All Smart Watches for kids are tethered to the parent’s smartphone, but you need to know not all watches work with every mobile network plan.  as

    Does the watch come with a SIM Card installed?   All smartwatches that receive text, calls and data require a SIM Card.

    Does the SIM card on your watch work with your mobile carrier?  Many smartwatch providers sell to customers without explaining whether their mobile carrier supports the watch in their local area.  Most smartwatches are sold without a SIM card  plan, leaving you, the customers, to tackle the issue.

    How long does the battery last and can you reload with via USB?  Many smart watch customers (and their kids) complain about short battery life, often running out in mere hours. Make sure your batteries last for a full day or more.  This way you can reload the batteries every night while you sleep.

    What are the important features on a watch for your kids and which do you really need?   Simple, reliable, trusted communication with your child is paramount. Many smartwatches sell a catalog of games — but your kids already have access to games on a tablet or computer at home. When they are on the way to school or outdoors playing, they shouldn’t get distracted. Wouldn’t it be better if they paid attention to their safe travel or playing with other kids?

    Is your watch water-resistant or waterproof?   Most smartwatches like most watches are water-resistant, but not waterproof.   Make sure you buy a watch for your specific needs.

    Can you communicate with the smartwatch?  Many smartwatches are only glamorized pedometers.  So carefully read about all the features when you choose a smartwatch.  There are only a few companies that actually want you to be able to communicate via the watch.  Apple Watches run from $1,299 for their top products all the way to $139 for their Walmart specials.  Naturally the features from each smartwatch vendor vary greatly.

    Some are specifically designed to keep families together,  Vigilint Biosensors’  Hawkeye Smartwatches  inform parents, babysitters about the children in their charge.  Hawkeye Smartwatches link and work with every major U.S. mobile carrier: AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, unlike most other kids smartwatches, that only work with one or two. This is due to the fact that Vigilint Biosensors offers Hawkeye smartwatches with SIM cards pre-installed and ready to use and  compatible with all major smartphone carriers for $10 per month.  Vigilint Biosensors customer service test it for you before it is shipped after you fill out the COPPA compliance form. Keeping kids safe is a top priority.

    Vigilints’ Hawkeye GPS keeps a close eye on where your kids are, and if there is an emergency, allows others you designated to text or speak with them directly.   Hawkeyes  run on the proprietary SIM cards and are fully functioning right out of the box, unlike many of the very inexpensive watches that need assembly and are not out-of-the-box ready found on Amazon and other retailers.  Many come without a SIM card or a service connection to the parents’ smartphone. This is frustrating for parents who don’t have the time to become watchmakers before their kids smartwatch works.  So check the fine print before you buy.

    Buying a smartwatch for your kids may be a bit confusing and overwhelming. Choosing well is worth the time and effort. Just do a bit of homework and compare features.  When you want to keep a family together by sharing parenting and babysitting with up to 3 adults and a total of 8 connections, Hawkeye smartwatches are a great solution for your young child. They stay on their little wrists. Thus they are a great alternative to buying smartphones and plans for each your 3 to 6 year olds.  Phones are too big of a responsibility for  young children.  Put a Hawkeye on their wrist and relax.  Affordable, ready to use, and designed with the parent / child relationship in mind.