Category: Business

  • Trade Wars: What will the multi-billion dollar trade wars accomplish for the US?

    Trump Supporters are exhilarated about their US created global trade wars 

    Trump supporters approve of the US presidents actions, words and attitude at historic levels. 90% approve of everything Trump does or says, not everyone agrees.  Yet, many wonder whether the GOP actually is following a plan:

    “Yes, they have a plan. No, I don’t think it will work,” said Bill Reinsch, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “The plan is always push harder, demand everything and offer nothing.”  Source:  South China Morning Post

    European’s, especially Merkel, are frightened by the changes imposed on the EU. The situation depends on the individual global companies business strategies.  Many European and Asian companies are baffled by Trump’s strategy.  For many decades they have listened to many US presidents and their “Partners in Leadership” promises and in the spirit of collaboration have created hundreds and thousands of jobs for Americans in the US.

    Das Handelblatt’s, Lukas Bay, reports: “The US president has threatened European automakers such as VW, BMW and Daimler with a levy. He’s forgetting that the Germans have huge plants in the US.  At the time, he warned that BMW and other carmakers could face a 35 percent import duty for cars not built in the United States. He targeted BMW because it is building a new plant in Mexico. Trump doesn’t seem to realize that the BMW plan in Mexico is there to meet rising demands for cars in Latin America.” BMW actually exports cars made in the US by American workers.   Source:  Das Handelsblatt

    Der Spiegel reports:  “Executives at Siemens, the global engineering giant, are still relatively relaxed at company headquarters in Munich. Siemens operates its own plants in the U.S. for products with high steel or aluminum content like trains, gas turbines and ultrasound equipment. In theory, at least, its subsidiaries could buy raw materials or semi-finished products locally to circumvent the punitive tariffs. But that does not apply to special alloys that are not produced in the U.S. They would have to be imported from Germany and would be slapped with the additional tariffs.  The biggest concern is not the impact the trade tariff’s have on the US – German trade – it is only 4% for many companies so they can withstand that comfortably.

    The bigger issue that companies and countries are grappling with is cheap steel that is now diverted from Russia, India and Turkey.  Since these companies were not given a temporary exemption they have dumped their inferior products in the EU for super low prices.  The EU is more worried about the effect these inferior steel will have on the EU brand around the globe as cheap inferior products are making it on the market.  It will not affect the US either in trade nor in taxes.

    In Germany for instance 95% of all wealth is created by small and midsize firms. This is the reason why Germany is thriving and able to withstand economic upheaval.  Germany has a very strong middle class that has been growing jobs.  In the US the Middle Class has been eroded by corporate welfare laws that favor large global conglomerates.

  • Griffin Motivation signs with Eagle One Insights to rapidly expand their Corporate Incentive and Empowerment Programs

    Griffin Motivation - CorporateSpeaker
    Griffin Motivation – CorporateSpeaker

    West Jordan, Utah, June 11, 2018  EagleONE Insights signs Griffin Motivation to expand Corporate Incentive and Empowerment Programs

    Mike Hutzel, CEO is excited that Griffin Motivation has signed up EagleONE Insights: “Jeff Griffin and I fully agree that Griffin Motivation’s offer matches up nicely with EagleONE Insights’ and our core values. We  create programs to penetrate our clients’ specific marketing venues. Our methodologies focus exclusively on a quantifiable ROI for our clients.”

    Griffin Motivation provides a pathway for fast growth companies  to embrace exponential growth with enthusiasm.  Jeff Griffin empowers companies to achieve success faster by teaching a practical and doable way to tap into their companies’ own teams hidden strengths.

    Mark Jenkins, the CEO of Petersen Inc., asked Jeff Griffin to come and present at their mid-year company meeting.  Petersen brought all the welders, their executive, and sales team together in one of their hangars.  Before Jeff presented his transformational message and life-altering experience Mark Jenkins reviewed the vital signs of the company and reminded the team of their year-end goals. One number stood out to Jeff Griffin because it was both big, bold, and exciting!  It was also the main reason for his invitation to speak.  Petersen committed to bring their sales up to 80 million dollars.  They were at 33 million mid-way through that year. A 47-million-dollar gap! Jeff Griffin delivered his transformational message and received a standing ovation from a group of blue-collar workers.  Petersen’s VP of Sales told Jeff Griffin after his speech: “This is exactly what we needed.”  By the end of that year they reached their goal AND exceeded it by 10 million dollars.

    Jeff Griffin knows all about what it takes to build self-motivation, discover new strengths, even during moments of despair, and turn it into an action plan that works.  With his thrilling life story, which he shared in his popular book “I’m Possible” he shows how he overcame despair in his own life as a paraplegic and turned his handicaps into a system of motivating factors that work.   Unlike more “traditional” management workshops claiming that a team is only as strong as its weakest link Griffin Motivation teaches that each person can move from “it’s impossible” to” I’m Possible” and tap into the amazing hidden strength each person already has inside. Corporate Managers are raving about the impact Jim Griffin’s workshop had not only on their workers self-esteem and team spirit but also measurably on their bottom line:

     “Jeff’s story is amazing, he shares his experience in a manner that has you laughing at one moment and tugging at your heartstrings the next. I highly recommend Jeff as a motivational speaker especially if you are looking for a powerful message of courage, positive attitude, faith, hope, dreaming big, hard work and never giving up. Listening to his story is amazing but “seeing” his story is even better!

    –    Mark Jenkins – Chief Executive Officer, Petersen Inc. + 500 employees

    EagleONE Insights provides access to more companies to Griffin Motivation’s powerful messages.  Mike Hutzel’s team meets clients where they are and goes on the journey with them to where they want to be. The teacher, Jeff Griffin, is now listening to his own advice and is stepping it up own enterprise.  EagleONE Insights is ready to show the world what happens when each of their team members act on the inner strength of: “I’m Possible!” and moves to the “We’re Possible!”


    About Griffin Motivation

    Jeff’s real-life results and professional training gave rise for speeches, customized workshops, and personalized training sessions.  Now Griffin Motivation brings these hard-won insights to corporations who want to tap into the inner hidden strength of their employees, foster a strong can-do team spirit. The Griffin Motivation workshops have been tried and tested in the sports world for many years and are now available to companies.  Jeff Griffin was given a life sentence to live life from a wheelchair. He has accomplished some extraordinary things. He played in the 2004 Paralympic games in Athens, Greece, and is a silver medalist in Wheelchair basketball. He’s a (NWBA) National Champion, and a four-time All-Star MVP. He also won the St. George Marathon, has two Guinness Book of World Records, and wrote an award-winning book titled I’Mpossible: Desire. Dream. Do.  He recently ran 5 miles on the elliptical bike!  His company’s message is compelling since he captivates his audience with authenticity and humor.

    About EagleONE Insights

    We help our clients build trust by respecting and truly understanding their customers.  EagleONE Insights’ proprietary sales and sales support process of the 3-E Impact?, ENGAGE, EVOLVE & ELEVATE, gives our clients our 3-E ImpactSM in every mission.  Our strong professional team of subject matter experts collect data, analyze it and provide our clients with deep strategic insights. We deploy the latest technology to get the job done on time, on budget, with precision.  We take great pride in understanding our clients’ needs and helping them to grow their revenue streams and the reputation of their brand. This allows our clients to focus on keeping up with market trends while we grow revenue and add revenue streams.  We believe that by working with our team, people of integrity, we have a strong foundation by which to facilitate our client’s success. Our joint effort improves our clients’ ROI on a consistent and long-term basis.

    Company Direct Contacts: 

    Griffin Motivation, Jim Griffin, CEO or 385.288.1218

    EagleONE Insights, Mike Hutzel, CEO
    O: 513.847.0410   C: 513.505.6693

  • Check in with your friends and family. Make sure they feel loved.

    Photo of Older Lady by Aris Sfakianakis
    Photo of Older Lady by Aris Sfakianakis

    We are apparently living in a loneliness epidemic.  Over the past 80 years our culture has changed a lot and over the past 30 years industrialized nations  may have lost our cultural bearing.

    I learn recently of a lady in Japan who died and only after her corps smelled terrible did the neighbors realize that she had passed.  In Japan they have a word for “dying alone,” they call it  Kodokushi.  Several hundred thousand people pass away, without a relative or friend who cares about them.  I thought it was terrible and I was shocked that a nation of over 100 Million people would not care for their families or neighbors.   Then I found out that over 45 Million people in quasi “First World Nations”  are lonely.  That doesn’t sound very  “first world.”  It is embarrassing and a sign we need to rethink our lives.

    Recently I joined the marketing effort of Vigilint Biosensors, a company that has designed affordable smart watches that allow parents to check in on and communicate with their children and loved ones.  The Vigilint Family Assistant is an app that you can download that links to the kids or elderly parents Vigilint Smartwatches.  When I started reading up on the topic I couldn’t believe it.  OMG.  It is a world wide epidemic.  Apparently over 40% of people in the US report that they are feeling lonely.  And experts think that the actual number is higher.  How can that be?

    Loneliness is deadly.  Literally.  First of all it doesn’t feel very nice.  Remember how you felt when your first girl friend or boy friend didn’t call you back for several hours, when you first started dating and you were not sure whether they really loved you yet?   That feeling.  It feels like that.  Most unhealthy.

    Apparently it is genuinely unhealthy to feel lonely.  Vivek Murty, who served as the 19th Surgeon General in the US, shared that one of his more shocking experiences as SG was loneliness:  “I met middle and high school students in urban and rural areas who turned to violence, drugs, and gangs to ease the pain of their loneliness. I sat with mothers and fathers who had lost sons and daughters to drug overdoses and were struggling to cope alone because of the unfortunate stigma surrounding addiction.”  He went on to say: “During my years caring for patients, the most common pathology I saw was not heart disease or diabetes; it was loneliness. The elderly man who came to our hospital every few weeks seeking relief from chronic pain was also looking for human connection: He was lonely. The middle-aged woman battling advanced HIV who had no one to call to inform that she was sick: She was lonely too. I found that loneliness was often in the background of clinical illness, contributing to disease and making it harder for patients to cope and heal. ” (1)

    Vigilint Biosensors has been created by a bunch of highly successful Silicon Valley Semiconductor engineers, who created microchips for mobile phones that measure vital signs. Is the person moving, is the person where they are supposed to be? It also allows you to talk to them through their affordable VB wrist watch. They will not lose their phone, since it is tied around their wrist.  Brilliant I say!

    And apparently it not only reduces the stress of the parent, it also reduces the stress in the kids and the elderlies.  Social connections are so vital to our health. Apparently stress increases the cortisol level which is some kind of hormone in our bodies.  Loneliness increases the stress hormone called cortisol very much.  This causes inflammation which according to Time Magazine is responsible for stress-related difficulties including obesity, diabetes, metabolic disorders, heart diseases and other disorders. (2)

    So this weekend, hug your mom, your grandmother, your dad and your kids, and make sure you check in with your neighbors.  Apparently for young and old  loneliness is an epidemic and nearly every second person feels lonely.  Smile, say hello and ask:  “How do you do.”  And mean it.  Increasing your social circle may be the best medicine against:  “Kodokushi.”   And I am sure you agree, none of us want to have that.

    Instead talk with your family regularly.  Even if they are all grown, talk at least once a week, but more often if possible that is the only way you have enough time for a genuine relationship. Only regular contact let’s you know what is going on in their lives and for them to know what is going on in yours.  Bob Black once wrote a great tagline:  “Reach out and touch someone.”  If you can’t do it physically, do with via a text and even better a conversation.

    There are plenty of people to call.  The New York times claimed that about one-third of Americans older than 65 now live alone, and half of those over 85 do.  Loneliness can be fixed.  We need to reintroduce the concept of TLC and talk to each other.   I love the quote that Vigilint Biosensors execs use:

    Vigilint Biosensors is about moving people from the Internet of Things to the Internet of Caring. 

    Love that!  Happy trails and if you feel lonely reach out.  Call someone you haven’t talk with in a while. Remind them of the good times you had.  You will be surprised how happy it will make them to get your call after all these years.  Tell them you remember them and you feel good about your memories.  It works. 

  • Vigilint Biosensors and School Districts in California work together to increase school safety.

    San Jose, California –  May 1, 2018 – Vigilint Biosensors, leading supplier of Family Assistant Parental Services through smartwatches, is extending its Educational Support Programs which increases school safety, helps child learning and raises money for Educational Foundations, Schools, PTAs, and Booster ClubsAfter successful pilot programs in San Ramon and Sacramento California school districts, Viglint Biosensors is offering the program to qualified organizations in all fifty states.

    “Vigilint Family Assistant Services provide parents with life-altering insights collected from the kid’s smart watch that can inform parents of a child’s location and allows them to speak when needed,” said Kris Narayan, Chairman of Vigilint™ Biosensors. Mr. Narayan continued, “I am grateful Vigilint Biosensors can get our smart watches to the children, parents and schools that want the help kids with deal with stress and adversity to improve our children’s emotional resilience.”

    Vigilint Biosensors Education Programs allow school districts to raise money while they provide kids smart watch phones and software to parents and their children which increase school safety. Modern tools like Vigilint Family Assistant help working parents stay in touch with their kids via calls, chat and the ability to guide the kids 24/7.  Kids have access to parents each time they need their parents’ input and feedback.  Hawkeye kid’s smart watches and the Vigilint Family Assistant app allow parents to create custom SafeZones™. School safety is increased when at the moment the child moves out of the SafeZone™, parents are alerted.

    Knowing exactly where and how our children are is a major comfort for parents and kids.  Each kids smart watch holds up to 20 parent-selected numbers that children can call. Kids are able to speak to their siblings and close friends through a direct kid-to-kid “walkie-talkie” connection. The more parents and kids communicate the less stress they have due to wondering and worrying. Relaxed parents enjoy happier and more confident kids that have a better, healthier and smarter life thanks to increase emotional resilience as recent studies by the Harvard Child Development show. For more information regarding kids smart watches and child learning, please click here.

    Tonja Jarrell, Principal of Paso Verde School, in California’s capital city: “Partnering with Vigilint Biosensors provides a valuable resource to our school community. We work with families and the community to offer solutions that increase school safety, allows our staff and scholars to focus on teaching and make our students feel safe enough to learn thereby increasing their outcomes.”

    Th improved communications via kids smart watches help teachers deal with children’s and faculties’ anxieties about the fears regarding school safety related to the recent increase of shootings at schools:  “My experiences in the educational community, have shown that these tragedies affect all of us, not just the families involved,” said Nancy Phelps, President Coyote Creek Learning Fund. “Vigilint Biosensors software and smartwatches help protect our kids while providing parents peace of mind.”

    Every school, school program, non-profit or educational program manager is invited to join the Vigilint Biosensors Education Program, thereby increasing funding for vital programs, raising awareness of how to help children learn better and increase school safety.

    About Vigilint Biosensors

    Hawkeye kids smart watches from Vigilint Biosensors provide fun and safe solutions to families and younger children: communications and learning for children and peace of mind for parents. The combination of the best location technologies (GPS, GNSS, A-GPS and sensors) will easily locate your child, anytime and anywhere. Visit for complete product details.

    Vigilint Biosensors is dedicated to improving the quality of care that parents and senior caregivers provide through a complete 360o intelligent family care assistant, that connects family members together via wearable devices like Hawkeye. Vigilint Biosensors provides the family/caregivers with a cloud infrastructure of devices and software services, which strives to improve time management and reduce stress by improved non-intrusive care for kids, seniors, and other loved ones in need. This is achieved through the most modern application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to life data that provide alerts, if and when needed.  “When those we care about are well, we can relax and focus on our day.”

    Learn more about our dedicated team:  Vigilint Biosensors 

    Learn more about our products and services:  Vigilint Store

    Vigilint Biosensors
    20315 McKean Rd
    San Jose, CA 95120