Happy Holidays and A Merry Xmas 2016

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Happy Holidays and Merry Xmas

Happy Holidays 2016

We have a lot to be thankful for.  We enjoyed eight years of relative peace. Yes, even though the stock market has reached new all-time heights, mostly only the top 25% within the world economy are affected by that. However, during the Obama administrations many people in the middle class and even the impoverished have made small strides.  More

Hope that we can improve our own lives.

The housing crisis and the cost of education problems have not been adequately addressed, but at least everyone knows about it.  People are no longer suffering in silence, all alone. There are amazing new companies who are working hard on addressing it.  For instance the Khan Academy provides assistance for free that literally change people’s lives.  Here is one example of their many Thank You letters the Khan Academy deservedly received.  Robyn, December 4, 2013: “I am currently in high school, trying to get into university for engineering. I just recently started using Khan Academy, and I am already hooked. I just wanted to say that it is truly amazing what you are doing. If there was ever such a thing as a saint: you would be one. Providing the world with easy access to education is something that nations upon nations have failed to do, yet you accomplished starting with just some simple videos available for any one to access. Thank you for restoring my faith in people.”   More

Amazing scientific breakthroughs that will change our future

In 2016, Scientists have tested the world’s first minimally invasive brain-machine interface, designed to control an exoskeleton with the power of thought and gets people with paralysis back on their feet.  More

In 2016, 3D Printing research shows promises for medicine and manufacturing that are mind-boggling.  In the future organs and bone may well be printed from your own tissues and thus move medicine into an entirely different sphere. More

Artificial Intelligence had several major breakthroughs, not least of which is that Google’s AI engine reorganized “itself” to write a better translation system.  And this indicates that AI is here to stay at an entirely different level.  More

Social Trends that bring families together

At the home front things have changed as well.  Now for the first time in since the year of 1880 more children and young adults (18 to 34 year olds) live with their parents than live away from their parents.  More  The economy that squeezes the life-style of most Westerners (75%) financially, combined with the aging of the baby boomers is moving families closer together.

The ever shrinking middle

Yes, the share of the middle class has been shrinking and unless corporate officers start waking up to the fact that a shrinking middle class means a shrinking customer base, this trend will continue for years to come.  More

We enjoy enough food, clean water (most of us, ahem, Flint), a roof over our heads and more of us have our families with us.  Life is good, we can always go online and improve it ourselves.  So now think about all the good things in your life and share them with your family over some cookies.  Merry X-mas or Happy Holidays, whichever you prefer.